Tournament of Legends Delayed, Lower Price

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.03.2010 9

Tournament of Legends Delayed, Lower Price on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA has delayed High Voltage's Wii fighting game Tournament of Legends, crafting up a new trailer and setting a budget price point.

The two player mythological fighting game, originally known as Gladiator A.D. was originally scheduled to battle its way into players' palms on May 18th, however the mythical beasts are taking a short vacation till July 6th in the US. A lower price point is also being suggested - a full retail fighter for $29.99.

Want to satisfy your gladiator cravings? Take a look at the latest footage below:

Box art for Tournament of Legends

High Voltage







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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I'm liking high voltage less and less. This game looks meh. The conduit was meh and the new the grinder direction looks really meh. I'm sorry but I've lost all hope for them...

Yeah i agree, the more i see of their work, the more it looks mediocre. I think the problem is their logic is that their trying to tap into markets that have not been so much before, but their method of doing this is recreating a tiered concept thats been done to death, only on a different console, they think because it's lacking on wii their filling a void, when in actuality their just producing the same basic shooter, fighter, whatever as any other non high profile company has.

It's obviously not a high budget game, but I am not interested in it at all. However, maybe due to the studio size, HVS should just stick with small, low budget but more creative games rather than so-called epic games such as the Conduit.

I never had hope for them, I looked into them after conduit was announced and knew it would fail. Just look at there low review scores:

It does look like they have improved it a lot from the first trailer. Unfortunately, it still doesn't look good enough, in my opinion and it's a game that doesn't appeal to me.

I like the Conduit, It may not have been a killer game but i think HVS are at least trying things. I will wait and see what reveiws say before i decide if i will buy this. As for The Grinder well they lost my interest when they changed it to a top down shooter and cross platform.

Looks alright, good to see them trying things out - and a wise decision to drop the RRP slightly, would create a bit more incentive methinks.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The graphics are looking really good and perfectly suit the gladiator theme. I'm not a fan of the Gladiator era however so will pass.

Really impressed with that trailer though.

Well, I own The Conduit's Collector's Edition (the one with the Artbook and special cover) and have to say I got my fifty dollar's worth of fun from it. This game has changed several times during development and the new price tag does mean it should get more sales overall and recoup cost and post a small profit. As for the Grinder? The change in design and going multiplatform was weird but who knows if the Wii version will stay a FPS or even be released at all?

Also, Harvey Birdman is a great and fun game. Anyone that sees a copy should give that game a chance...

( Edited 25.03.2010 19:10 by EdEN )

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