Pachter Talks Nintendo 3DS and System Sellers

By 24.03.2010 9

Pachter Talks Nintendo 3DS and System Sellers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter, recently spoke to Industry Gamers about Nintendo's surprising announcement of their new handheld system. Not only that, but Pachter also believes that Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid Other M won't be system sellers and the Wii platform lacks catalyst games.

Firstly, speaking about the Nintendo's surprising announcement yesterday, Pachter didn't have much to say about it, although he did mention that he doesn't really know what Nintendo means by 3D effects without glasses.

It doesn't precisely say it has a 3D display, or that the content is 3D, so it's really premature to speculate about the prospects for success.

He then went on to talk about the actual announcement itself and what his reactions were to to it, believing that Nintendo has made a mistake announcing the system just before the release of the upcoming Nintendo DSi XL.

I found it incredibly surprising that Nintendo would announce the successor to the DS the week prior to the launch of the DSi XL. They have essentially said to consumers "we have a new model of the DS coming out this week, and oh, by the way, it will be obsolete within a year." I can't remember seeing a company do something like this since Osborne Computer did so in 1982 (and declared bankruptcy the next year, when sales plummeted).

Pachter then moved onto the subject of catalyst games on the Wii platform and believes it lacks them. According to Pachter, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid Other M won't be system sellers and the hardcore Wii owners already own the system.

I still think that the Wii as a hardware SKU lacks catalysts. I can't imagine Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Metroid Other M as system-sellers, any more than I would expect Halo Reach or SOCOM to be. The hardcore Wii audience already has a Wii console, so these game launches aren't likely to be catalysts.

So as far as I can see, unless Nintendo decides to cut price, there is not much of a catalyst coming. I don't see the Wii Vitality Sensor driving sales, but I suppose I could be wrong. I often am...

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Our member of the week

Yeah he's indeed wrong VERY OFTEN ! Like yesterday for example, when he said he was skeptical to the 3D without glasses, because according to him it's something that doesn't exist yet...

And we know there are already TV sets doing that, and the DSi already those via head tracking...

This guy should shut the f*** up Smilie. Or at least do some research before talking. He's a bit right about Mario Galaxy 2 and Other M not being system sellers though. Metroid and Mario fans already have a Wii IMO. Monster Hunter 3 and Dragon Quest X are though. And the Last Story and Xenoblade might be as well.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Well, it WAS weird that Nintendo did that BEFORE the XL launched. Me? I would have waited until the 3rd week of april (at the earliest) or 3rd week of May (at the latest) to comment on the existence of the N 3DS but maybe they know something I don't.

jwebb1970 (guest) 24.03.2010#3

At least Patcher admits he is wrong - and in relation to his Wii predictions to date, he generally is.

I would love a job as a analyst, getting paid for offering an "educated" opionion.


LOL, DS= dual screen (developer's system) 3DS= third-dimension(al) screen (three deadly systems... lol) -shrugs- seems like a cool name.

Back on track: didn't someone on here... A member of C3... say something about the DS going the way of the PS2 and living well into the life of the successor. I think it was in the news post about the announcement of the four gig card from konami or level-5

( Edited 24.03.2010 18:48 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Nintendo probably announced it because they were fed up with the rumours going on for the past 3 years.

As for the 3D without glass's, its existed ages.
Ive just never seen it done well. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Technically it is with glasses, its just that the 'glasses' are 'on' the screen. Smilie

(if the rumors are to be believed)

I don't see Metroid: Other M being a system seller either. Metroid has never been that type of game. It appeals to the Nintendo fans who already own the system.

Mario is a bit more mainstream though. So we'll see.

That's so stupid that he announced a new hand-held because then sales for the DSi XL will not be as much as if the new system wasn't mentioned early. I honestly wish they didn't make the DSi XL because its kinda stupid because its just a couple inches bigger but where is the other new feature? No where

At first, I took him to mean the games wouldn't sell well. Clearly, though, he means they won't sell systems. I would say that Metroid has a bit of a possibility of it, but he's probably right about Mario Galaxy 2. If anything, I think it might commit people who enjoyed Mario Galaxy but ended up selling their systems due to lack of good games last year to possibly buy one back, but I don't see many people thinking "Super Mario Galaxy 2, eh? Now I MUST have a Wii!" just as I wouldn't really expect any sequel to a game currently on the same platform to. But you never know, sometimes the results are surprising.

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