Chronos Twins WiiWare Coming to EU

By Adam Riley 20.03.2010

Chronos Twins WiiWare Coming to EU on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EnjoyUp Games has announced that Chronos Twins DX will be released on Friday, 2nd April, 2010 by Nintendo of Europe on the WiiWare service.

Enter the world of Chronos Twins DX, where you will live an adventure full of innovative ideas. Thanks to its Dual Gameplay game system players will be able to control Nec in two temporary scenarios at the same time. Chronos Twins DX mixes action, platforms, adventure and puzzles that will challenge your intelligece and ability.

  • Dual Gameplay, new game system where you control the Player Character in two worlds simultaneously.
  • Explore an unknown world where you'll discover endless hidden secrets.
  • 19 levels of fantastic atmosphere fully packed of alien beings and spectacular final bosses.
  • Play in two worlds simultáneously to progress and solve challenges that would be impossible to finish in only one world otherwise.
  • Fantastic 3D graphics, with particle effects, fog and bloom.
  • Get the power of SPLIT, that will allow you to stop past and present.
  • Change the past moving items, defeating creatures... and present will change accordingly in real time.
  • Check how time passes by as you progress in your adventure.
  • Solve incredible temporary puzles.
"We're very excited with the European launch of Chronos Twins DX, and we hope European users enjoy with the new experience and originality that Chronos Twins DX offers with his "DualPlay" system. Also we want to thank the press for their support and the American users for the great acceptance of the game, we wish to follow these steps on Europe."
- Jorge Biedma (JoBi), EnjoyUp Games Chairman and Founder.

Will you be picking up Chronos Twins DX when it finally arrives here?

Box art for Chronos Twins








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (44 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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