Miyamoto Reconfirms Pikmin 3

By Calum Peak 20.03.2010 13

Miyamoto Reconfirms Pikmin 3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Not much has been heard about Pikmin 3 since last years E3 when Shigeru Miyamoto stated (again) that "Were making Pikmin" since then no details have been given, and this is no exception to the fact. Straight from Official Nintendo Magazine's Twitter page whilst at the BAFTA's, Shigeru Miyamoto again reconfirmed the existence of Pikmin 3 but this time, a little more hope was attached to it;

Pikmin 3 development is "well under way"

So is it possible that we could see a 'formal' announcement of everybody's favourite critters at this years E3 in June, along with the fabled rumours of new portable console in development? We'll have to wait (these painful) few months to find out.

What would you like to see in the new Pikmin? And do you think Nintendo have any aces up their sleeves for this years E3?

Box art for Pikmin 3








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�£20 say it not at E3 Smilie

Is Pikmin 3 is the next Duke Nukem Forever? Will we ever see it? T-T

Ikana said:
Is Pikmin 3 is the next Duke Nukem Forever? Will we ever see it? T-T

Duke Nukem Forever was announced almost 13 years ago.
Pikmin 3 was announced less than 2 years ago.

Pikmin 3 has ways to go before it is in the same league as Duke Nukem Forever.

( Edited 20.03.2010 06:39 by Sonic_13 )

Probably the big fall game. It's the only one that has been confirmed in development for some time. I am guessing they will officially announce it prior to E3 and have more videos and details at the event.

Hm I wonder when they'll announce it. With Zelda and many other good games coming out soon, they don't 'need' it at E3. So maybe PMD is right and they'll show stuff before that.

If they don't show Pikmin 3 at E3 this it'll show just how desperate they were for our attention when they announced it two years ago.

Announcing a game that prematurely before the official confirmation is a sign that they were really grasping for our approval in whatever way they could in E308.
You don't announce a game before production has even begun, generally. Smilie

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Good to hear it's in development - really should be on show this year.

But as always with these newsbits - where's StarFox, DK, F-Zero etc, franchises pretty much any Nintendo fan would go GaGa over!

A WiiWare DK platformer would be ace, so would a new, proper, StarFox.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Good to hear it's in development - really should be on show this year.

But as always with these newsbits - where's StarFox, DK, F-Zero etc, franchises pretty much any Nintendo fan would go GaGa over!

A WiiWare DK platformer would be ace, so would a new, proper, StarFox.

All true, but am I the only one who really liked the 3d swinging of dk64? I prefer a game like that over a 2d one. Jungle beat was great though Smilie

On topic, Pikmin 3 will be a must buy for me. If only for the incredible genius pikmin 2 was.

Jim (guest) 20.03.2010#9

Lyra said:
If they don't show Pikmin 3 at E3 this it'll show just how desperate they were for our attention when they announced it two years ago.

Announcing a game that prematurely before the official confirmation is a sign that they were really grasping for our approval in whatever way they could in E308.
You don't announce a game before production has even begun, generally. Smilie

I don't think it was that, it was more the press that kept going on and on and on about it, and he eventually just said yeah were working on it, (most likely in the design stage on paper).


Now release New Play Control! Pikmin 2 in the US already, Shigsy!! Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Here's a thought:

Pikmin 3 - The last major DS game?

I recall an interview where Miyamoto or someone mentioned how well Pikmin would work on the DS. While it seems like it would work even better on the Wii (and I'd surely love a Wii Pikmin) they never really went further with the portable Pikmin idea.

With two screens, it sure would be easier to manage the little critters. I mean, they had a good 50 feet of free space to carry that ship part without disturbing anybody, but without my strict, undivided attention, they always, ALWAYS had to drag it right past him, waking him up, and turning themselves into mid-afternoon snacks.

I think I'd like to see a portable Pikmin almost as much as I'd like to see a new one for Wii. I haven't played New Play Control Pikmin yet (haven't been following NPC Pikmin 2, but the first one's strict timeline pretty much killed the idea of me getting it on Wii; I've done basically all I care to for that one) but I imagine it works pretty well; so it seems like there'd be more challenge or innovation with doing it on the DS.

( Edited 23.03.2010 05:03 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
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08Sonic (guest) 09.04.2010#12

I want a Star Fox for Wii! please, Miyamoto, show us a new Star Fox!

jeff (guest) 17.04.2010#13

I really think pikmin is the new best nintendo franchise hands down then battalion wars and advanced wars, nintendo is really good at rts games and they should announce all 3 on wii this year at all coming 3months apart I've never played a rts game better then a nintendo rts game and I played more then just a few the only thing is battalion wars never sold well so we might not see another one..............

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