Interview Reveals 'Edgy' Games From SEGA And Possible Madworld Sequel

By 19.03.2010 4

Interview Reveals

Speaking with Mike Hayes, in CVG's exclusive interview with SEGA, he mentioned a possibility of a sequel to Madworld and some interesting news for 'core' Wii owners.

MadWorld was such a huge critical success. Would you look to bring a sequel out - perhaps on different formats?

As Blackadder would say: 'Yes... and no.'

It's something we've looked at and it's something we constantly talk about. But there are no firm things to discuss on that at the moment.

What's your strategy as far as core games on Wii go after the problems you had with MadWorld? Are you reducing your presence in that area?

No, not at all - you'll see that at E3. One of the things is whether they're super-mature - that's a different thing. But the Wii market is huge. Going for the super-hardcore? Probably, the answer is not. But do we think there are edgy games we can bring out on Wii? Yes.

Mike also expressed that it's unfair to compare Sony's new motion controller, Move, to the Wii Remote.

Is it unfair to compare PS3's motion controller to the Wiimote?

Yes, I think that is unfair. Let's not forget that Sony has launched hugely successful peripherals before. Whether it's EyeToy or its controllers, Sony has been there and had great success.

But also, how bad is a comparison with Wii? It's one of the most successful consoles of all time. For something like PlayStation 3, that surely allows a motion controller to do some pretty great things.

We don't have a crystal ball, but would I bet a lot of my salary on Microsoft and Sony will make a success of these devices? I think the chances are high.

Microsoft are clearly taking Natal very seriously and spending a lot of money on it. Sony are doing the same - and they have the track record to go with it.

Would you like to see a sequel to Madworld and do you feel it's unfair to compare Sony's motion controller to the Wii Remote?

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No i would not like to see a sequel to madworld the gameplay was boring and the graphics made it difficult to distinguish between the scenery and objects/enemies.


I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to Madworld if they put more content into it.

It did get repetitive, especially with finishing moves, and the game just wasn't long enough.

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Yay, now we can have our shovelware in high definition.

It's the games, not the accessories. The Wii has been madly successful not for the droves of random shit designed to utilize motion controls, but for the games that are actaully built upon it. Both Sony and Microsoft seem to be completely ignoring this fact. When you take something that has been successful for being innovative, and try to just tack it onto an existing product, the results are probably not going to be anything special. Not to mention, if they're leaning on motion controls for the sake of jumping in on that alone, the Wii comes with it built-in, whereas Sony and Microsoft are asking people to pay to add it on. It would be like the equivalent of me seeing a $250 phone with a good camera, and instead buying a $300 phone and paying another $100 to add the same camera onto it.

In the end, I think it'll come down to the games. If Sony and Microsoft can come up with some games that are built around the motion controls, and not the other way around, then they'll be able to cut into the Wii's market. But the way they're talking about these devices, it seems more like they're under the impression that the "ooh aah" effect alone is going to send people out in hoards like zombies to buy their motion technology regardless of whether it's actually functional, efficient, or fun.

NNID: crackedthesky
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The problem is both Microsoft and Sony seem to want to use their motion controller to capture the casual market. Their consoles are illsuited to that market.

Instead they should just look to enhanced games in general with motion control.

It's the games, not the accessories. The Wii has been madly successful not for the droves of random shit designed to utilize motion controls, but for the games that are actaully built upon it. Both Sony and Microsoft seem to be completely ignoring this fact. When you take something that has been successful for being innovative, and try to just tack it onto an existing product, the results are probably not going to be anything special.

Absolutely right.

See the plastic dog analogy; <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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