WayForward Brings Taz to Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 06.03.2010 3

WayForward Brings Taz to Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has announced Galactic Taz Ball, a new videogame for the Nintendo DS starring Taz, the frenetically fantastic Looney Tunes character beloved by all. The game will be available for Europe in May 2010 and for North America in Autumn 2010.

In Galactic Taz Ball, Taz is accidentally kidnapped by Marvin the Martian, who is stealing the Earth’s landscape to make Mars more scenic. Taz must spin his way across pieces of Earth floating in space to stop Marvin from destroying the planet and get back home.

"Taz is one of the most popular characters in the Looney Tunes family, and with Galactic Taz Ball kids can have fun for hours with action, exploration, platform challenges and puzzle solving. This creative game packs all of the wild fun that everyone loves about Taz into a handheld experience with two unique modes of play."
- Samantha Ryan, Senior Vice President, Development and Production, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

The game contains two worlds with completely different gameplay mechanics. The “Overworld” is an action-style 3-D game playable on the Nintendo DS’ top screen with unique track ball controls using the Nintendo DS-stylus on the bottom screen. When Taz moves fast enough he becomes a tornado that can destroy objects and enemies. The “Underworld” is a side-scrolling puzzle game played on the bottom touch screen in which Taz navigates a maze of active machinery and gadgets. Both worlds combine for a uniquely fun and frenetic journey, perfect for Taz’s wild style.

Galactic Taz Ball is being developed by WayForward Technologies, the team that recently completed work on games such as Contra 4, LIT, Mighty Flip Champs and A Boy and his Blob, as well as currently working on Shantae for the DSiWare service.

Box art for Galactic Taz Ball



Warner Bros.





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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FrayBentos (guest) 06.03.2010#1

Good to see this guy coming back! I couldn't beleive it I thought it was a girl called TAZ LOL!!

FrayBEntos (guest) 06.03.2010#2

I am a HUGE fan of this here devil but why did you use a blue one?! We need more games like the Animaniacs that would be so fucking awesome! Wacko Jacko and Dott!!! Smilie They are zanney to the MAX Balloney in their slacks, zanney insaney animanics!!!

There have been so many sub-par Taz games over the years. It's great that WayForward has been brought on-board! Definitely puts this firmly on my radar Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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