Pikachu Coloured Pichu Hits Nintendo WiFi

By Joshua Callum Jeffery 05.03.2010 33

Pikachu Coloured Pichu Hits Nintendo WiFi on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

While the "Pikachu Coloured Pichu" has already toured Gamespot stores all around the USA, it will now be touring WiFi around most of the English speaking world. Those of you still yet to get your Shiny Pichu can download the Wonder Card for the little guy over Nintendo WiFi Connection from today until the 25th, which just so happens to be the day before Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver are released in Europe on the 26th.

So what's so special about this Pichu you ask? Not only is it an elusive "Shiny" Pichu in a Cherish Ball, but it will also trigger a special event in HeartGold and SoulSilver, nabbing you the unique Spiky-Eared Pichu, pictured next to the Shiny Pichu above.

The Pikachu Coloured Pichu can be downloaded from Europe, Australia and USA to any Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum cart with the Mystery Gift option.

Will you be downloading the Pikachu Coloured Pichu in anticipation of HeartGold and SoulSilver? Let us know below...

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if it evolved, would you get spikey eared pikachu/raichu?

( Edited 07.04.2013 16:42 by Guest )

welshwuff said:
if it evolved, would you get spikey eared pikachu/raichu?

Nope, because of some time-travel business it's stuck as a Pichu for life.
The Pikachu Coloured Pichu can evolve into a Shiny Pikachu or Raichu (I think) but that prevents you from being able to do the event, so if you want to evolve it wait until after you have the Spiky-Eared Pichu.

I just got two PCPs, (lol, did somebody say PCP? I looooves the PCP!) one for Platinum and one for Diamond and I am now a very happy trainer.

( Edited 21.01.2013 01:22 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

lol, did somebody say PCP? I looooves the PCP!


( Edited 21.01.2013 01:22 by Guest )

I went to my Gamestop, and they didn't have a WiFi connection. I was pissed. So, no special Pichu for me.

( Edited 21.01.2013 01:22 by Guest )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

justonesp00lturn said:
I went to my Gamestop, and they didn't have a WiFi connection. I was pissed. So, no special Pichu for me.

Don't any of your friends have a router you could use? Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
YAY (guest) 05.03.2010#6

ITs holding an etherstone, can't evolve. It unlocks a special event in HG, SS. After the even you can evolve it to the spikey eared version (in HG and SS)

me (guest) 05.03.2010#7


YAY (guest) said:
ITs holding an etherstone, can't evolve. It unlocks a special event in HG, SS. After the even you can evolve it to the spikey eared version (in HG and SS)

What? If you want to evolve it, remove the Everstone.... and no it can't evolve into the Spiky-Eared Pichu.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Lyra said:
justonesp00lturn said:
I went to my Gamestop, and they didn't have a WiFi connection. I was pissed. So, no special Pichu for me.

Don't any of your friends have a router you could use? Smilie

I have a router. But you actually have to connect to one at Gamestop in order to get the mystery gift, and there wasn't one at the Gamestop I went to.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

justonesp00lturn said:
I have a router. But you actually have to connect to one at Gamestop in order to get the mystery gift, and there wasn't one at the Gamestop I went to.

Not anymore, the Gamespot event is over, right now anyone can get it via WiFi from their homes.

Until the 25th.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Lyra said:

Not anymore, the Gamespot event is over, right now anyone can get it via WiFi from their homes.

Until the 25th.

I thought that was just for the UK?

Edit: Just got mine, thanks!

( Edited 05.03.2010 21:48 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

justonesp00lturn said:
I thought that was just for the UK?

So did I at first, but turns out it's for the whole of Europe, USA and Australia.

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blap (guest) 06.03.2010#13

is the spikey eared pikachu from a movie or something?

McBiscuit452 (guest) 06.03.2010#14

It's just a new look? WOW! lol

lozza (guest) 06.03.2010#15

it's cool they are doing it for us

do you reckon that they will do the jirachi as well

Joe (guest) 06.03.2010#16

Iv got him I'm not a pikachu fan but pichu's are awsome (espechialy with spikey ears


I got mine yesterday. But until Lyra told me about it I had no idea that you could get this. But then again my knowledge of Pokemon is as low as it can get.Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Lyra said:The Pikachu Coloured Pichu can evolve into a Shiny Pikachu or Raichu (I think) but that prevents you from being able to do the event, so if you want to evolve it wait until after you have the Spiky-Eared Pichu.

Actually, you can evolve it and the event in HG/SS will work:


It's just the spiky eared one that won't evolve at all, you can do as you please with the shiny one, just remove the Everstone it's holding.

( Edited 06.03.2010 17:52 by Lynk )

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.
rae (guest) 07.03.2010#19

Is this event available in Canada?

Does anyone know if HG/SS have some kind of trading cap, to, say, prevent someone with Platinum from transferring Giratina to HG and powerhosuing their way through the game? I personally feel doing so would take the fun away, but if I do end up getting HeartGold, I'd love to use my PCP. I haven't had Pikachu as a main pokemon since Yellow, and I never seem to find one in time (the little guy doesn't do me as much good when I have a level 36 Shinx in my party halfway through the game, haha.)

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Lynk said:
Actually, you can evolve it and the event in HG/SS will work

Awesome I hadn't noticed that ^^ thanks for the info.

rae (guest) said:
Is this event available in Canada?

Sorry I have no idea Smilie you could always try to see.

justonesp00lturn said:
Does anyone know if HG/SS have some kind of trading cap, to, say, prevent someone with Platinum from transferring Giratina to HG and powerhosuing their way through the game? I personally feel doing so would take the fun away, but if I do end up getting HeartGold, I'd love to use my PCP. I haven't had Pikachu as a main pokemon since Yellow, and I never seem to find one in time (the little guy doesn't do me as much good when I have a level 36 Shinx in my party halfway through the game, haha.)

No cap, you can trade any Pokémon from any gen with D/P/P as soon as the trade center is unlocked. When I tried out the Japanese version I used it to trade over a Ralts (which I evolved into a Gardevoir).

Keep in mind that most traded Pokémon of high levels won't obey you until you get more badges though xD.

Also you can't access Pal Park until you get to Kanto.

( Edited 07.03.2010 16:24 by Lyra )

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blake (guest) 08.03.2010#22

no i did some research and if u evolve the pikachu coloured pichu it will still work and u will still get the spikey eared pichu but u cant trade the spikey eared pich NO MATTER WHAT cause the game does not allow you and u cant evolve the spikey eared pichu but then again u can battle with it and no u will not get a spikey eared raichu or pikachu its simple use ur brain and go to serebii.net and you see for yourself

plus go on wi fi chat for those who want to trade pokemon with others

Cookiee (guest) 14.03.2010#23

How do you get the Shiny Pichu through WiFi? What do you have to do?? Smilie

Cookiee (guest) said:
How do you get the Shiny Pichu through WiFi? What do you have to do?? Smilie

You get it through Mystery Gift on D/P/Pt (check a website like GameFAQs for details on how to unlock it) and connect to the NWFC through the main menu option that appears when you re-boot the game.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.
Robbie (guest) 22.03.2010#25

Does the shiny pichu evolve?Does the shiny pichu evolve?

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