While the "Pikachu Coloured Pichu" has already toured Gamespot stores all around the USA, it will now be touring WiFi around most of the English speaking world. Those of you still yet to get your Shiny Pichu can download the Wonder Card for the little guy over Nintendo WiFi Connection from today until the 25th, which just so happens to be the day before Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver are released in Europe on the 26th.
So what's so special about this Pichu you ask? Not only is it an elusive "Shiny" Pichu in a Cherish Ball, but it will also trigger a special event in HeartGold and SoulSilver, nabbing you the unique Spiky-Eared Pichu, pictured next to the Shiny Pichu above.
The Pikachu Coloured Pichu can be downloaded from Europe, Australia and USA to any Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum cart with the Mystery Gift option.
Will you be downloading the Pikachu Coloured Pichu in anticipation of HeartGold and SoulSilver? Let us know below...