C3 Podcast | Nintendo Media Summit 2010

By James Temperton 01.03.2010 8

C3 Podcast | Nintendo Media Summit 2010 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following on from our live Tweeting of the Nintendo Media Summit in London on the 25th of February we bring you a rather lovely podcast. How exciting, right? We took a bit of time out from playing, eating, drinking and mingling to sit down for a chat through everything that was on show at the event and now we can bring you this delightful audio treat.

Apologies for minor amounts of background noise, but we were all sat on an incredibly cold and uncomfortable cloak room floor. But no floor is too uncomfortable to podcast on. Fact. So without further ado, the file link is below - 9.3mb and just over 20 mins long so a nice bit of entertainment for your bus ride to work/school/wherever tomorrow.

Who knows, maybe we'll podcast again soon. But maybe not...

  • Cubed3 Podcast | Nintendo Media Summit 2010

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    HALLELUJAH! OUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED! I'll listen to it as soon as I get time!

    It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

    Telia (guest) 01.03.2010#2

    Thanks for the recap. I've missed these casts will they be more regular from now on? James Tempaton's you have a sothing voice!Smilie

    Wow, I was SO tired...and a bit tipsy at that point, methinks Smilie It was also painful sitting on the hard floor as well whilst we chatted!

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    Good stuff guys, enjoyed it! Good to hear Monster Hunter's good in multiplaye.

    Also liking the sound of WarioWare DIY - hadn't read up on that much, does seem good. Though definitely built for DS, does seem weird to have to point and click when using the Wii remote for basic actions like move up/down.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Excellent podcast.

    It's really great to see a new one. Smilie

    HenryTrigger (guest) 03.03.2010#6

    Do you have any videos for the day? I want to see Galaxy hands on videos!!

    HenryTrigger (guest) said:
    Do you have any videos for the day? I want to see Galaxy hands on videos!!

    Unfortunately not. Nobody was allowed to film anything at the event of any game or the show floor itself.

    Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

    Awesome podcast guys, was an interesting listen. Smilie

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