Metroid: Other M Wii Video Interview

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.02.2010 15

Metroid: Other M Wii Video Interview on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Localisation manager for Team Ninja's take on the Metroid universe discussed the forthcoming Wii game at Nintendo's media summit.

Nate Bihildorf discusses some of the mechanics behind the new style, with Samus switching from classic side scrolling view to a more modern first person perspective to uncover more about her environment. He also goes into some basic plot and timeline details, certainly a treat for Metroid fans.

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Derrick S. (guest) 27.02.2010#1

WOW the in game engine looks so smooth it was worrying because Samus and the other characters looked very plastic in the pics before! EXCITEMENT METER UPRISEN!

Smilie btw is this a wanking smiley?

( Edited 23.04.2013 04:14 by Guest )

I love how much they're bigging this game up to be something special. The talk of lots of different areas to explore and still a big part on the isolation feel of traditional Metroid gets me really hyped for it.

I'm tempted to look at every new video that comes out about it, but I'm thinking I might just hold off until we finally get it here in Europe so as not to spoil anything for me. That will be hard but hopefully worth it.

Definitely my most anticipated Wii game right now.

( Edited 23.04.2013 04:14 by Guest )

Nice interview, makes me feel a little better, except for when he says "It feels just like playing Metroid 20 years ago"
Sorry, but I really don't want to play the painful Metroid 1 again thankya very much...

Tons of exploring and a sense of isolation

If he's lying about this I might have to murder him in his sleep.

Nintendo's never afraid to take their franchises in new directions

Smilie *wipes tear from eye*

( Edited 28.12.2012 15:12 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Wow, it looks pretty impressive. Can't wait till it comes out now, hope it turns out good Smilie

( Edited 28.12.2012 15:12 by Guest )

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Well, all the footage was from last year's E3 trailer, so I am hoping that they will show some actual gameplay footage soon.

I'm still looking for exploration+puzzles.
I'm sure it will be a great game, but without those it wont be a game for me. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Woah def looks nice than ths pics in terms of colour and contrast! Can't wait for this!

Nintendo's never afraid to take their franchises in new directions

Smilie *wipes tear from eye*

Yep, Majora's Mask, Mario 64, Starfox Adventures, Windwaker, Starfox Assault, Metroid Prime, Mario Galaxy, NSMBWii and Metroid other M would like to have a word with you. All those games pioneered something or brought a fresh idea to the industry, I agree with this guy.

I am very curious to feel how this plays, should be really interesting!

Andrezao said:
Yep, Majora's Mask, Mario 64, Starfox Adventures, Windwaker, Starfox Assault, Metroid Prime, Mario Galaxy, NSMBWii and Metroid other M would like to have a word with you. All those games pioneered something or brought a fresh idea to the industry, I agree with this guy.

The rest I'll give you (especially Majora's Mask, which is arguably still the biggest departure Nintendo has ever made. Note that Miyamoto had almost zero involvement with it), but StarFox Assault? You mean that game everyone hated? NSMBWii? Fresh? You can't be serious. You mean the game that took Super Mario World, got rid of any non-linearity, severely limited Yoshi, and added multiplayer? Something other platformers have had for over a decade? Yes, truly revolutionary Smilie

As for Other M you can't comment on it, this guy seemed pretty happy to tell us that "it plays like Metroid 20 years ago".

Aside from that, when was the last time we got something truly original and revolutionary for hardcore gamers? Other than Galaxy it was not since last gen.
Since games started going online, being integrated with the consoles themselves, becoming incredibly huge and robust, Nintendo have been desperately clinging to the past. It's like it's all they have.

( Edited 01.03.2010 12:11 by Lyra )

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Lyra said:
Andrezao said:
Yep, Majora's Mask, Mario 64, Starfox Adventures, Windwaker, Starfox Assault, Metroid Prime, Mario Galaxy, NSMBWii and Metroid other M would like to have a word with you. All those games pioneered something or brought a fresh idea to the industry, I agree with this guy.

The rest I'll give you (especially Majora's Mask, which is arguably still the biggest departure Nintendo has ever made. Note that Miyamoto had almost zero involvement with it), but StarFox Assault? You mean that game everyone hated? NSMBWii? Fresh? You can't be serious. You mean the game that took Super Mario World, got rid of any non-linearity, severely limited Yoshi, and added multiplayer? Something other platformers have had for over a decade? Yes, truly revolutionary Smilie

As for Other M you can't comment on it, this guy seemed pretty happy to tell us that "it plays like Metroid 20 years ago".

Aside from that, when was the last time we got something truly original and revolutionary for hardcore gamers? Other than Galaxy it was not since last gen.
Since games started going online, being integrated with the consoles themselves, becoming incredibly huge and robust, Nintendo have been desperately clinging to the past. It's like it's all they have.

Hmmm ok, well, NSMBWii first Mario game to have 4 player, first 2.5D mario on a console. Starfox Assault being the first Starfox to have your characters walk around, drive tanks, etc. Then Metroid Other M to be made in conjunction with Team Ninja, changing the FPA back into a platformer which you can go into FP to shoot, more stroyline based.

All of them are departures from what Nintendo Originally does, then there's many more, there's heaps all the way back to the SNES. Nintendo takes major risks sometimes, but there has to be some sort of a pattern somewhere in order to have a fan base, otherwise you change people's tastes and opinions too fast, you have to estabilish a franchise by letting it sink into to the fanbase.

Guest (guest) 01.03.2010#10

Lyra said:[b]NSMBWii? Fresh? You can't be serious. You mean the game that took Super Mario World, got rid of any non-linearity, severely limited Yoshi, and added multiplayer? Something other platformers have had for over a decade? Yes, truly revolutionary Smilie

How did they limit Yoshi? By not letting you take him out of a level? If anything, he was MORE useful in NSMBW than in SMW because of the flutter jump, and using him anywhere would have broken many levels. And have you played SMW recently? The levels are far more straightforward than in NSMBW. Even the Special world is not as challenging as the one in NSMBW. Not to mention you can basically just fly over the majority of the game with the cape. The levels on the whole are just a lot more well-designed in NSMBW.

Andrezao said:
Hmmm ok, well, NSMBWii first Mario game to have 4 player, first 2.5D mario on a console.

Who cares? Other platformers had been doing that for over a decade! Revolutionary my ass.

Starfox Assault being the first Starfox to have your characters walk around, drive tanks, etc.

No, you could do all that in Lylat Wars, and although it was far more limited in that, calling SFA "fresh" is hilarious, considering Halo was released long before it, and offered a much wider variety in how you could get around.

Then Metroid Other M to be made in conjunction with Team Ninja, changing the FPA back into a platformer which you can go into FP to shoot, more stroyline based.

Team Ninja are hardly doing anything, just the visuals which aren't even that amazing. FPA into platformer, well we'll have to see if that works or not won't we? Like I said, it's too early to judge. More storyline based, yeah this is a huge departure... actually you finish my point for me:

All of them are departures from what Nintendo Originally does

All of them things that had been done by clearly far more risky developers long before. Nintendo isn't afraid? Please, when they don't try "new things" in their hardcore games until they've been in other games for half a decade already, they're far too careful.

then there's many more, there's heaps all the way back to the SNES. Nintendo takes major risks sometimes

Other developers these days take major risks far more often than "sometimes".

but there has to be some sort of a pattern somewhere in order to have a fan base

Yes, Nintendo's hardcore fanbase is incredibly strong right now thanks to all these "risks" and "fresh ideas"[/sarcasm]

otherwise you change people's tastes and opinions too fast, you have to estabilish a franchise by letting it sink into to the fanbase.

Establishing a franchise doesn't take 20 years.

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I think NSMB gets more credit then it deserves because of the name. Its no where near as good as SMW. It far more linear. Less to explore and discover. 2.5 graphics and multiplayer are not revolutionary. Unless you have experienced players with you getting through the levels is too hard. Especially the castle levels. Since you cant all stand in the same spot as one another, some of the platforming is too small and awkward to navigate as a group.

Who cares? Other platformers had been doing that for over a decade! Revolutionary my ass.

Strange, I thought we were talking about how:

afraid to take their franchises in new directions

So, my point is what your point might be, Nintendo does take risks on what they do. Btw, other devs take risks all the time? Really?
So, the inumerous versions of FF, DQ, CoD, PoP, etc have been very different to each other? REALLY?
I could have sworn I played those recently and found them to be almost identical to their past titles. Dude, Franchise is like that, you build upon what it's known for. Expecting Mario to one day be super revolutionary is just dumb. It won't happen, good thing it won't happen. Why? Because Mario is Mario, he does what he does and his games are a certain way. If it were different, it wouldn't be Mario.

I mean, look at Sega with Sonic, they tried to make him different, too different, we all know how that went. As for SFA, it was a pretty solid game Imo, I didn't like Lylat wars, and I liked how they improved ground combat. Certainly a revolution.

All of these prove my point that Nintendo does take new routes with it's software. All of these titles have something different, Metroid does have that different route too, using gameplay new to the series, by mixing FPS with Platformer, a 3D version of the 2D genre. A NEW THING to the series, which is what we're discussing right?

I know it's been done by other games, but Nintendo IS taking a new route with those games. They've done it with all their main franchises, at least twice, they've changed one or more of their franchises in a way.

Basically I thought that your argument:

Nintendo's never afraid to take their franchises in new directions

Smilie *wipes tear from eye*

Doesn't make sense when they do that at least once per gen with their key franchises. There's many more games I didn't mention like Link's Awakening, 4Swords, Sunshine, Mario RPG, Paper Mario, etc. Just my 2 cents.

And if you'd read my post properly, I proved that they were afraid, because it took them at times about half a decade to make advancements that other developers had already been making.

And yet again, all those games you mentioned are from last gen. Nintendo clings more and more to "tradition" every year.

For example, in the N64 days, Nintendo games were far ahead of anything else in consoles in terms of technical achievement. Zelda, Mario 64, they were unrivalled, but now? Zelda has plenty of rivals, it's no longer the biggest game in the business, because Nintendo were too scared to let it change after OoT.

As for SFA, it was a pretty solid game Imo, I didn't like Lylat wars, and I liked how they improved ground combat. Certainly a revolution.

Seriously? No way, after other games had done it for so long, and so many people hated the ground combat in SFA, suggesting it was "revolutionary" is simply ridiculous.

The Sonic series fucked up because Sonic Team are bad developers, not because of the new ideas. At the same time, FFXIII will (imo) fail, because S-E refused to learn any lessons from FFXII and actually evolve the series.

( Edited 02.03.2010 09:27 by Lyra )

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Fox McClot (guest) 03.03.2010#15

LOL!!!!! StarFox Adventures was like a poor man's ZeldaSmilie Combat was shit and thad stupid little shit Tricky or what's his name! The best thing was that scrab mongerer who asks do you have any scarabs LOL!!!!

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