New Sin & Punishment 2 Wii Trailer, Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.02.2010 10

New Sin & Punishment 2 Wii Trailer, Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese studio Treasure has brewed up a new trailer for the sequel to popular Nintendo 64 on-rails shooter Sin and Punishment.

The fast paced 3D shooter sees you traversing through a series of enemy ridden levels and blasting everything in sight. Close range melee attacks and deflecting on coming fire vary up the action. Cram in online worldwide leaderboards and it'll be an all out trigger fest to get those sought after high scores.

Image for New Sin & Punishment 2 Wii Trailer, Screens

Image for New Sin & Punishment 2 Wii Trailer, Screens

Image for New Sin & Punishment 2 Wii Trailer, Screens

Image for New Sin & Punishment 2 Wii Trailer, Screens

Image for New Sin & Punishment 2 Wii Trailer, Screens

Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor is zipping into stores from June 7th 2010.

Box art for Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies
Also known as

Sin and Punishment: Star Successor









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (13 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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looks good. but its at the bottom of my wish list. Too many third person games to purchase (a style Im more into). I might not even buy this.

Day f*****g 1.

mush (guest) 25.02.2010#3


The graphics disgust .me!!

There is no reason why Wii games should be having such woeful graphics in this day and age... and as for the 'it's all about the gameplay' line, it isn't. Graphics can and DO matter, great graphics doesn't mean a s*** game.

Rant Over.

Wooo I will be buying this day one!!! SmilieSmilie Smilie

mush (guest) said:

The graphics disgust .me!!

There is no reason why Wii games should be having such woeful graphics in this day and age... and as for the 'it's all about the gameplay' line, it isn't. Graphics can and DO matter, great graphics doesn't mean a s*** game.

Rant Over.

Where you expecting Full HD graphics for this? It looks really good to me.

Is this a Wii-Ware game? Looks terrible, ive got the 64 game on VC and its pretty good, but i wouldnt pay full price for this!

Our member of the week

when you see the hundreds of things moving on screen in this type of games, you can't expect all the models to be on par with those from games where you don't get to see more than 10 moving objects on screen, especially on the Wii.

It was an issue on the first one already, they had to make everything low polygon so the console could animate everything without too much slowdown, and they had to do it again here, that's the result of wanting everything to run smoothly. The cutscenes however could have been pre-rendered and stuck as-is on the game DVD, which they didn't they used the ingame models in real time cutscenes. This could have been made better.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Been looking forward to this for a while, and guess what, I still can't wait for it. Sin and Punishment has always been....punishing, and I like a challenge as much as the next guy ( why did that come out sounding like a woman was a challenge?)

mush (guest) 26.02.2010#8

Andrezao said:
Wooo I will be buying this day one!!! SmilieSmilie Smilie

Where you expecting Full HD graphics for this? It looks really good to me.

No, But I would and do expect high end Wii graphics~ this looks worse then a lot of GC games, I still don't understand why the majority of wii games cannot look like RE4, Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime 3 most of which came out a long long time ago!!!

Pretty simple really

mush (guest) said:
Andrezao said:
Wooo I will be buying this day one!!! SmilieSmilie Smilie

Where you expecting Full HD graphics for this? It looks really good to me.

No, But I would and do expect high end Wii graphics~ this looks worse then a lot of GC games, I still don't understand why the majority of wii games cannot look like RE4, Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime 3 most of which came out a long long time ago!!!

Pretty simple really

OK, so then:

they had to make everything low polygon so the console could animate everything without too much slowdown

Pretty Simple really. It's the Wii we're talking about, it cannot animate all this stuff on screen and blow out some SMG graphics. Even if they could, something would be missing. Have you notice that even shit that's miles away is animated? There's so much going on, obv the Wii hardware cannot do those 2 at the same time. But it still looks good and within what they set out to accomplish. Most Japanese game companies that make Manga/anime styled games go for this sort of look anyway. Look at FF9-12, or Dragon Quest or Tales series. They have that similarity with the colours not so saturated and in low contrast. I don't like that style myself but it still looks better than most of that style.

This game needs pace, it needs millions of enemies. Play the first one and you'll see what I mean. They cannot just simply cut the action out of it. It's what the game was built upon and until we see a more powerfull Wii, you can't expect more than this sometimes. For me this will only be a Great game if it plays great, cause it's ok to sacrifice the gfx a bit, but in return it has to be awesome to play.

mush (guest) 28.02.2010#10

Andrezao said:
mush (guest) said:
Andrezao said:
Wooo I will be buying this day one!!! SmilieSmilie Smilie

Where you expecting Full HD graphics for this? It looks really good to me.

No, But I would and do expect high end Wii graphics~ this looks worse then a lot of GC games, I still don't understand why the majority of wii games cannot look like RE4, Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime 3 most of which came out a long long time ago!!!

Pretty simple really

OK, so then:

they had to make everything low polygon so the console could animate everything without too much slowdown

Pretty Simple really. It's the Wii we're talking about, it cannot animate all this stuff on screen and blow out some SMG graphics. Even if they could, something would be missing. Have you notice that even shit that's miles away is animated? There's so much going on, obv the Wii hardware cannot do those 2 at the same time. But it still looks good and within what they set out to accomplish. Most Japanese game companies that make Manga/anime styled games go for this sort of look anyway. Look at FF9-12, or Dragon Quest or Tales series. They have that similarity with the colours not so saturated and in low contrast. I don't like that style myself but it still looks better than most of that style.

This game needs pace, it needs millions of enemies. Play the first one and you'll see what I mean. They cannot just simply cut the action out of it. It's what the game was built upon and until we see a more powerfull Wii, you can't expect more than this sometimes. For me this will only be a Great game if it plays great, cause it's ok to sacrifice the gfx a bit, but in return it has to be awesome to play.

Fact is, this is in no way pushing the Wii to the limits. It looks pretty woeful for a game thats going to be published by Nintendo, regardless of whatever going on in the background, the pace of the game blah blah etc etc.

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