Media | Top Angler

By James Temperton 27.10.2003 1

Top Angler
Big fish, little fish, cardboard box...

'Top Angler, offers gamers of all ages a fun, realistic and challenging fishing experience,' said Alex Cook, European Director of Sales at Xicat. 'Top Angler fully immerses you into a world of fishing, with life-like motion graphics, unpredictable weather conditions and some great fishing holes, the only thing missing is the beer!'

It's quick to learn, yet hard to master and you don't need to be a fishing enthusiast to enjoy this addictive game. Top Angler is packed with innovations that allow the player to always have 'a good day of fishing.' Along with the many levels of play, Top Angler has a 'deep' interactive tackle box with over 36 lures, real pole action/response, a zoom view feature, and an enhanced 'live well' feature that shows cumulative weight, type of fish caught and lures used. It also boasts real-time scenery and weather, light and temperature changes as well as the split screen 'fight/underwater' view.

  • Become Top Angler in the Tournament mode by winning bass-fishing tournaments held at various lakes around the world. Progress through 5 Bass Tournaments and earn prize points and open up lakes in different locations

  • Catch a certain weight of bass within three minutes at each lake in the Arcade mode. The faster a stage is cleared, the higher the time bonus will be

  • In the Practice mode, select the lake, the season, the time of day and the weather conditions and learn to find out where the bass are

  • Stimulate playing skills in the Challenge mode. Use skill and knowledge of fishing to work out strategies for the challenges it presents

    The game is out for the super-good price of

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