Super Mario Galaxy 2 Dated May 23rd in North America

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.02.2010 20

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Dated May 23rd in North America on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Everyone's favourite platforming plumber Mario launches into space once more for his second platforming adventure on Wii this May in Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Following on from Nintendo Australia's statement on two Wii games earlier, the North American branch confirmed a release date during its Media Summit today.

Image for Super Mario Galaxy 2 Dated May 23rd in North America

Image for Super Mario Galaxy 2 Dated May 23rd in North America

Super Mario Galaxy 2 for Wii is the highly anticipated sequel to the Nintendo game many dubbed "platforming perfection", seeing Mushroom Kingdom saviour Mario explore all new galaxies and quirky planets accompanied by Nintendo's adorable dinosaur Yoshi.

Image for Super Mario Galaxy 2 Dated May 23rd in North America

Image for Super Mario Galaxy 2 Dated May 23rd in North America

On a side note Nintendo also confirmed that the final game will contain an orchestrated score (as opposed to midi).

Mario fans can bag their copy when it arrives in stores in the US from May 23rd 2010.

Image for Super Mario Galaxy 2 Dated May 23rd in North America

Image for Super Mario Galaxy 2 Dated May 23rd in North America
Box art for Super Mario Galaxy 2





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1048 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Haha! I cannot wait!
Super Mario Galaxy is one of my favorite games of all time.

I wonder what the EU date will be.

Thank god this years line up is really good. Games are actually spread through the year. This really makes up for '09. One of the worst years for owning only a wii.

Smilie they been hiding it from us cant wait


I can not wait for this game it should be so good.


Super Mario Galaxy 2 Trailer

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I cannot wait!

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Everyone don't worry! Nintendo told IGN that ochestrated music will be implemented into the final version of the game. Phew! I missed the beautiful music.

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

GreythaGreat said:
Everyone don't worry! Nintendo told IGN that ochestrated music will be implemented into the final version of the game. Phew! I missed the beautiful music.

That wasn't orchestrated in the trailer? It still sounded beautiful to me!

Yayayay, Yoshi! Looking forward to it. Cleared the first so fast, need mooore...!

Game's looking lovely, definitely looking forward to it - some of those platforming sequences look brutal. Gorgeous, gorgeous game. Can't wait!

Sonic_13 said:
GreythaGreat said:
Everyone don't worry! Nintendo told IGN that ochestrated music will be implemented into the final version of the game. Phew! I missed the beautiful music.

That wasn't orchestrated in the trailer? It still sounded beautiful to me!

I think people were worried as the original trailer from last year had pretty tame music in midi (I think) compared to the original Galaxy. Looks to have changed a lot since!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Sweet, this games looking awesome atm. Maybe I should replay the 1st one for a bit of fun Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Fuck WiiHD, gimme more of this. Smilie

And we'll be bringing you hands-on impressions ASAP!

Looks amazing. Smilie

I am so glad to finally hear or see an official release date because god knows I have been waiting for this and I guess I'm glad but obviously I wanted the game to come out earlier, but hey at least I know. I can't wait for this game because I've been hearing many awesome details about it and I'm so excited, but one thing i kinda just remembered is that I beat the first game with Mario and Luigi but I haven't seen anything about Luigi in the second. Have you guys?

Amazing. MY God this begining of year requires so much money if you have a Wii Smilie. MOney I donn't have much as of now! Hopefully I get this job I'm being interviewed today cause I need cash for this!

SMG2 looks too good.

Phoenixus said:
Image for

Fuck WiiHD, gimme more of this. Smilie

Took the words out of my mouth!

Shit man and for who thought Nintendo couldn't get these games before the end of the year must be enjoying eating their hats.

Wow, it looks even better than the original.

So I'm guessing May 25th for Europe then?

WOW! After my intial dis-belief of the AUS release date on the other thread im really suprised that NOA have gone and stated this!

Amazing! The musical score on galaxy was a strong point so the sequel is set to be sounding great!

So im guessing that the big announcement in London 2moro is about this?

jb said:
Game's looking lovely, definitely looking forward to it - some of those platforming sequences look brutal. Gorgeous, gorgeous game. Can't wait!

Sonic_13 said:
GreythaGreat said:
Everyone don't worry! Nintendo told IGN that ochestrated music will be implemented into the final version of the game. Phew! I missed the beautiful music.

That wasn't orchestrated in the trailer? It still sounded beautiful to me!

I think people were worried as the original trailer from last year had pretty tame music in midi (I think) compared to the original Galaxy. Looks to have changed a lot since!

Yeah I was worried. The music in Super Mario Galaxy is beautiful, probably one of the best video game music ever. I thought they were going to release this without orchestrated music, have it MIDI.

And yes, the game looks so much better even from E3 2009. Could this be better than the original?

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

*pulls out wallet and looks inside*

Aye! Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

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