Fire Panic Heads to Nintendo DSiWare

By Adam Riley 24.02.2010 2

Fire Panic Heads to Nintendo DSiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Playtainment, the family game label from publisher RTL interactive GmbH Games Publishing with headquarters in Cologne, today announced Fire Panic, a skill game for the Apple App Store. As well as the iPhone and iPod touch versions, though, the game will also be released on Nintendo DSi. Fire Panic will appear in the first half of 2010 for download in the App Store and on DSiWare.

RTL interactive Games Publishing has decided to expand its range of Playtainment titles with Fire Panic to include portable devices. The single screen game, developed by the French games studio Yullaby, continues the tradition of the Game & Watch games from the 1980s and, with its beginner-friendly game principle, RTL is hoping it will become an amusing title with high entertainment value.

As mobile end devices, iPhone, iPod touch and Nintendo DSi offer excellent opportunities for mobile gaming. Therefore we are going to offer this selected game in the App Store as well as on the mobile games market, to remain true to our strategy of positioning RTL interactive GmbH Games Publishing as a multi-platform distributor for virtually all gaming systems."
- Birgit Hönsch, Board Member and Divisional Manager of Games Publishing & Licensing at RTL interactive GmbH.

Following successful media offers from RTL interactive in the App Store, such as RTL Pole Position (a Formula 1 news app with live-stream access), and Das Supertalent, Fire Panic will be the first games application from RTL interactive and its first foray into the world of DSiWare.

Box art for Fire Panic








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Ugh. Nintendo's DSiWare service doesn't need the iPhone's lame cast off's, what we need is more quality well priced content like Aura Aura Climber from Nintendo themselves.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

How do I install it in my mobile?
I got Nokia mobile locked.
I unlock it from the site
I don't know how to install games.........


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