Win Tatsunoko vs Capcom for Nintendo Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.02.2010 12

We've teamed up with UK entertainment shop Zavvi to bring you the chance to bag a copy of Capcom's highly rated Wii brawler, Tatsunoko vs Capcom.

The online-enabled Wii game features a bevy of unique and much loved characters from two reputable studios, including the likes of Ryu, Ken the Eagle, Chun-Li, Morrigan, Mega Man and Ninja Team Gatchaman. Mix in two (wo)man teams, ranked online battles, tonnes of combinations and you've got the perfect fighting setup!

To celebrate the recent release here in the UK, we're giving one lucky reader the chance to embrace the 2D fighting love! All you need to do is give the following question a knockout or two:

What is the name of the super combinations performed in Capcom's Versus series?

A.) Hard Combo
B.) Hyper Combo
C.) Happy Combo
D.) Hand Combo

Your Username:
Your Email:

Ends Sunday Feb 21st 2010, 6PM GMT
Good Luck!

Competition Rules

  • UK and European entrants only.
  • Entrants must be registered members of Cubed3 to take part.
  • Competition not open to employees of Cubed3 or Zavvi.
  • The competition ends on Sunday February 21st 2010, 6PM GMT. Winners will be notified through a news post and via e-mail.
  • Winners must provide their details within five days of being contacted by Cubed3. Failing this another entrant will be selected at random.
  • Entries are limited to one per person and per household. The submitting of duplicate or multiple entries shall result in instant disqualification, unless stated otherwise. The decision made as to the winner is final and no correspondence shall be entered into. There is no cash alternative for the prize. We do not hold responsibility for the prize being lost, delayed or damaged during postage.

    Box art for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars








    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (53 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    Jules (guest) 11.02.2010#1

    Wow I was just going to buy this thanks for the compettiion! Smilie Zavvi's price is a great, friend of mine got a copy at launch

    ( Edited 10.12.2012 02:31 by Guest )

    Can we enter if we live in North America?

    ( Edited 10.12.2012 02:31 by Guest )

    PMD said:
    Can we enter if we live in North America?

    It's a PAL copy most likely. Doubt it'd be much use.

    And I thought that "Hand Combo" and "Happy Combo" were the same thing.Smilie

    WAIT WAIT, I thought the transition was Hand Combo -> Hard Combo -> Happy Combo!Smilie

    ( Edited 10.12.2012 02:31 by Guest )

    It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

    PK, Mongoose Hermit said:
    PMD said:
    Can we enter if we live in North America?

    It's a PAL copy most likely. Doubt it'd be much use.

    And I thought that "Hand Combo" and "Happy Combo" were the same thing.Smilie


    ( Edited 09.12.2012 04:54 by Guest )

    Oh cool :3 I adore the vs series but shy on cash these days *enters*

    sounds cool but I would have preferred to have orignal series Mega man and Protoman over (Mega man from legends) and ugggg.....Zero....

    Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!
    Guest 11.02.2010#7

    Is this open to all of Europe? Probably not, but I though I'd ask.

    ( Edited 11.02.2010 10:05 by Bastardman )

    Yay, finally a contest that I can enter from the Netherlands!

    Hi guys - sorry for not mentioning before - the competition is open for European and UK members only!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    jb said:
    Hi guys - sorry for not mentioning before - the competition is open for European and UK members only!

    Oh, I'm European. Just remember to send it to my address in the US

    Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

    Wow i really thought it would be obvious its UK/euro exclusive :/

    ( Edited 11.02.2010 17:43 by welshwuff )

    Ah, an Europe only contest. Hadn't seen one of those in a while. Good luck to those who live in the old continent and have a shot at winning this great game.

    @SuperShyGuy62: Unless you own a PAL Wii, a copy of TvC PAL won't do you any good, right?

    ( Edited 11.02.2010 21:37 by EdEN )

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