Teyon have announced that Hubert the Teddy Bear: Winter Games will be released on Nintendo WiiWare on Monday 8th February in North America. There is no set date for Europe as of yet, but with the cold snap continuing and the snow making a reappearance today the timing still seems quite appropriate for some icy fun at the low, low price of 500 Nintendo Points!
Bunnies are your enemies in Winter Games, and it's the large-eared woodland creatures that you'll be competing with during the title's eight events - one of which is an all-out bunny chase. You'll also be able to pick snowball fights, sledge through mountains of snow and try your hand at some frosty fishing.
Up to sixteen players can take part, and through a number of difficulty settings everybody in the family will be able to play in the virtual winter wonderland. Your characters are all fully customisable too, with two million combinations being possible apparently.
We've added some screenshots of Hubert's adventures to the album below. For more, have a look at Teyon's website.