Monster Hunter Tri Bundled With Wii Speak, Classic Controller Pro

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.02.2010 8

Monster Hunter Tri Bundled With Wii Speak, Classic Controller Pro on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Monster Hunter Tri is set to slay Europe with April with Nintendo confirming two hardware and game bundles.

Fans can grab hold of their copy of the game complete with the gorgeous black Classic Controller Pro, or a larger bundle that also contains Wii Speak alongside the controller and Monster Hunter Tri.

Capcom's Wii exclusive boasts beautiful landscapes, a whole host of unique monsters to combat on land and sea and support for local split screen and even take the action online using the optional Wii Speak microphone to chat, share strategies and engage in heated gaming banter.

Grab your copy when it hits stores this April, exclusively for Nintendo Wii.

Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (26 Votes)

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Is the WiiSpeak feature added only for the western release, or it war even in the japan version?
Is the voice chat in-game or just in the hub, for a briefing among players?

Jimbo (guest) 01.02.2010#2

Wouldn't mind going for the WiiSpeak bundle depending on the price. Though I already have the Classic controller.

Oh well at any rate at least this should help get wiispeak into more gamers hands rather than being wasted only on animal crossing...

leonardo.ferri said:
Is the WiiSpeak feature added only for the western release, or it war even in the japan version?
Is the voice chat in-game or just in the hub, for a briefing among players?

It's in game, and yeah, it's a new feature added for western releases.

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voice chat in game?


Good news. At the moment I own a Wii Speak (with Animal Crossing), but I'd like to sell it with profit again.

So has it been confirmed that it won't be pay to play?

Canyarion said:
Good news. At the moment I own a Wii Speak (with Animal Crossing), but I'd like to sell it with profit again.

So has it been confirmed that it won't be pay to play?

No confirmation as of yet.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

the Wii Speak kind of sucks. Sadly, that is a fact, Wish it weren't. Also, can you play the game without the classic controller?

Yeah, you can play with Wiimote + Nunchuck.

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