Pulling Faceez on Nintendo DSiWare

By Mike Mason 31.01.2010

Pulling Faceez on Nintendo DSiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Neko Entertainment has announced Faceez, a creative photo studio for Nintendo DSiWare. As a downloadable title, Faceez will be going face-to-face, so to speak, with DSi's built-in photo application. With talk of releasing it at a low price point, though, Neko appear confident that their new toy is worthy of a place on your DSi or SD card.

The premise of Faceez is simple: take pictures of your friends/your dog/the milkman with the DSi Camera, then customise, animate and decorate them to be as hilarious as possible. Over 150 accessories are available - hats, hair styles and glasses, for example - and you can also swap your subjects' key facial features with other stored photos to well and truly mix up your pictures. If you really want a picture of your brother with the eyes of your baby niece haunting your DSi, this is the application for you.

If that isn't enough, Faceez also lets you use 65 different animations to transform your pictures into ever-more bizarre creations. Focal points for animation include arms, legs, mouths and eyes. Neko have sent us some teaser footage of a chap who has been fortunate enough to find himself acting the hip hop artist supreme. Please note that there is no audio in this clip.

Better still, should you make something you're really proud of, you can use Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to send creations to friends. If you want to embarrass people, you can also upload them to social networking sites. Facebook is the only one explicitly mentioned, but you never know; perhaps we'll get some Twitter support, too.

"Faceez is a fun, easy-to-use photo suite that gives users the freedom to customize their photo library, through millions of possible colourful, crazy combinations and share them online with friends," said Laurent Lichnewsky, Managing Director of Neko Entertainment. "From riotous facial animations that make photos come to life to over 150 accessories that disguise the identities behind them and much more, Faceez will be a unique and universally appealing addition to the DSiWare library in 2010."

Faceez will be released for DSi via the Nintendo Shop Channel in the near future and has an age rating of 7+. There is no confirmed price as of yet, but Neko are hoping to have it on sale for a price point that won't destroy your Nintendo Points balance.

Does the concept of this application interest you, or are you happy with the built-in photo abilities of DSi?

Box art for Faceez








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European release date Out now   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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