Zelda Wii to Release This Year and debut at E3?

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.01.2010 16

Zelda Wii to Release This Year and debut at E3? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Zelda Wii where art thou? According to Satoru Iwata, due to appear at this year's E3 Expo, and to Nintendo Europe, in stores this year.

Snuck into Nintendo's Financial Results Briefing is reconfirmation that Super Mario Galaxy 2 will do the retail rounds this year, and hope for Zelda fans with the next console game, for Wii, set to appear at E3 2010 in June.

Super Mario Galaxy 2, a Mario action title in a 3D world, will be launched this year. We will show the new Zelda title for Wii at this year's E3.

Whilst it is highly likely that Nintendo will show the new game this year, signs are also pointing to a 2010 release - in Europe? The ever amusing Ian Lee mentions Zelda in his Ninty News January Edition as part of the company's 2010 line-up.

Do you think Nintendo will release a new Zelda for Wii this year? Their announcement to release time has been considerably reduced in recent years, so there is some chance of a new Mario, Metroid and Zelda this year.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





Action Adventure



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Oh yeah, I watched that on the Nintendo Channel the other day, I thought the thing was quite funny, then I forgot about it, just remembering about the DSi XL bit.

I think it will come out this year, it should be in it's 4th or 5th year of development, which is plenty of time. I think we'll definitely see a trailer at E3.

I wouldn't doubt that Zelda gets released in the west a few months before Japan, but it may also by the lack of communication or lack of a set release date.

However, we know nothing about the game right now, so "unveiling" it at E3 and releasing it 5 months later seems too soon.

so there is some chance of a new Mario, Metroid and Zelda this year.

I came at the thought of itSmilie

However I doubt Zelda will make it to this year.

The holy trinity in one year? This isn't 2012 is it? Smilie

If they get Mario Galaxy 2 out in the summer then I see no reason why Zelda can't come out at the end of the year too. I feel that Metroid has only a certain following, whereas Mario and Zelda are big games for a broader audience. The way Metroid is shaping up though, it could appeal to more than just fans of the series.

What I'm saying is, if Metroid had the selling power of Mario and Zelda, I think Zelda would be pushed into 2011, but as I don't think it does, they may just release them all this year, spaced out - i.e. Galaxy 2 in July, Metroid in September/October, Zelda in November/December.

Personally, I think I'd get them all on release and I do hope Zelda comes out this year for sure.

Why announce the announcement let it hit anonymously and surprise us with awesome, and don't cut the features in the announcement trailer from the retail game.

Knowing Nintendo, Zelda at least will probably get delayed. Either way I can't wait to see more of it and their other upcoming titles at this years E3.

Simez said:
Why announce the announcement let it hit anonymously and surprise us with awesome, and don't cut the features in the announcement trailer from the retail game.

FAR too many games are announced way in advance.
Nintendo holds back more then most, but (to be honest) Id rather not know till the month or two before release.

I think the whole games industry would work better like that.

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I think they're going to show more than just Mario, Metroid and Zelda at E3, I think we may get some other franchises from them aswell, old and new. Plus, Retro's new game hasn't been announced.

StarFox used to be Nintendo's 3rd big series.

Not that I'm complaining, since I prefer Metroid to StarFox. I just miss StarFox.
Still, big 3 in one year would be totally orgasmic! (So fingers crossed for Zelda)
And then we might have a killer Sonic game too.



( Edited 30.01.2010 12:02 by Toon SuperLink )

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Simez said:
...don't cut the features in the announcement trailer from the retail game.

Oh god, this. I was disappointed that a fair bit of the trailers for Twilight Princess never made it to the game. I was expecting a war with Link versus an army of moblins Smilie

I have a sneaky suspicion Star Fox may get announced at E3. Possibly something Donkey Kong related (DKC4 please!) too, and perhaps an F-Zero to top it off. Wishful thinking maybe but I hope so.

They should just get Sega to do FZero ago. They did a great job last time.

Stulaw said:
I think they're going to show more than just Mario, Metroid and Zelda at E3, I think we may get some other franchises from them aswell, old and new. Plus, Retro's new game hasn't been announced.

Yes, Retros the big question mark isnt it?

There was rumours they were doing Zelda, but I'm quite sceptical there.
(and if they were, then that would put a huge question mark on what the zelda team themselves were upto Smilie)

Leading theories for Retro are still Icarus or that weird concept-demo-with-the-tree-from-back-in-the-gamecube-days-I-forget-the-name-of Smilie

( Edited 30.01.2010 14:56 by Darkflame )

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Let alone Pikmin, Kid Icarus and Pilotwings...

Knowing Miyamoto, he will delay the game until Summer 2011... but anything can happen, we will definatley see some sort of Zelda at E3 2010.

Darkflame said:
Leading theories for Retro are still Icarus or that weird concept-demo-with-the-tree-from-back-in-the-gamecube-days-I-forget-the-name-of Smilie

You mean... Argh I should know, I have those 2 mp3s on my PC.

I don't think that ever was a game, just a CGI demo.
Ah I got it! Rebirth!

I wouldn't be surprised if Retro helped out with Zelda. But we can be pretty sure that they're not handling it all by themselves, because the Zelda-team has already been speaking about the new Wii Zelda.

My money is on Kid Icarus or Star Fox. And I don't think the game will be released within a year.

NewZelda?! (guest) 03.02.2010#16

I don't have a Nintendo Wii, or any new game console for that matter (the newest one being SNES Smilie I did have a N64 but pawned that awhile back.). However if Nintendo does release a new Legend of Zelda game I will more then likely purchase a Wii.

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