Mega Man ZERO DS Coming to US/EU

By Adam Riley 29.01.2010 4

Mega Man ZERO DS Coming to US/EU on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom today confirmed that the Mega Man ZERO Collection is coming to Nintendo DS. The Mega Man ZERO Collection is comprised of all four Mega Man ZERO titles bundled together. Having sold over 500,000 units in North America, all four titles will be available on one DS cartridge for the first time at a great price. The portable Mega Man fun will begin when the title arrives in early Summer 2010. The first Mega Man ZERO game was released in 2002 on the Game Boy Advance. It featured Zero, a popular Capcom character that was introduced in the Mega Man X series. The Mega Man ZERO series follows Zero through a dark and thrilling 2D action-adventure with high-quality visuals and action. Users can expect to make use of Zero's trademarks weapons like the Z-sabor and Buster Shot. There will also be interesting devices like the Chain Rod and Zero Knuckle. For the first time, the Mega Man ZERO series will be available for Nintendo DS, complete with all-new modes.

In Mega Man Zero our hero awakens after 100 years of sleep to a world where innocent reploids (robots) are unjustly attacked by an organisation called "Neo Arcadia". This new government has turned the world into a place where it is extremely hard for reploids to live and where they are under constant persecution. Reploids who have managed to escape from the punishment flee to an old city which now lies in ruin, but the evil Neo Arcadia is closing-in on their location. A genius scientist named Ciel, who lives with the innocent reploids in hopes of saving them, tries to revive the legendary reploid Mega Man Zero in order to save the cornered reploids. As Mega Man Zero, it is up to you to save the world.

In Mega Man Zero 2, it has been one year since Zero saved the reploids and defeated the evil advance of Copy X and Neo Arcadia. Nevertheless, Neo Arcadia still hunts him and sets a trap for our hero. His plan is to trick Zero and use him to wreak chaos between reploids and humans once again. But, can he succeed? Mega Man Zero 3 is set in a world called "Neo Arcadia" that has been created as a utopia for humans and reploids. This new chapter continues the adventure of the series' title hero, Zero, and his reploid allies in the Resistance group who are fighting for peace. In Mega Man Zero 3, Zero encounters a malevolent new reploid called Omega who has unleashed the evil power of the Dark Elf to brainwash the Resistance in order to take over Neo Arcadia. As the only one who has escaped the brainwashing attack, Zero must fight to save his allies and Neo Arcadia.

Mega Man Zero 4 picks up right after the events of Mega Man Zero 3. After falling under the evil rule of Dr. Weil, Neo Arcadia has collapsed into a state of chaos and confusion. Zero discovers this disastrous turn of events when he and his friends come to the rescue of a band of humans fleeing Neo Arcadia. Now it's up to our hero Zero to resolve this terrible conflict between humans and reploids to restore peace and security to the land. With new systems to seize enemy weapons and create strengthening chips, plus new Cyber elf programmes to introduce new abilities, this is some of the most exhilarating Mega Man action you can get in a handheld experience.

Which of the Mega Man Zero GBA games was your favourite, and is it good to see Capcom bundling all of them together on DS?

Box art for Mega Man Zero Collection





2D Platformer



C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Sweet! I'm all over this! Smilie

Now... where's Mega Man Mania, Capcom?

( Edited 29.01.2010 18:59 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Have they not given a release window?. They did for 10 the other day, saying that it would release on all platforms, not on Wii first as with 9

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Can't wait for this release. Might not buy it on release day, but will have in my collection none the less. If it comes out on the same day as Sonic and Pokemon then that would be cool. Doubt it will though

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999
luise (guest) 30.05.2010#4

thank you capcom you wiil still always be best!!! p.s. now we need devil may cry 5 dante's childhood that would be a great.your on a role keep it up.SmilieSmilie

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