New Pokemon RPG for Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 29.01.2010 20

New Pokemon RPG for Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today it was revealed that a new mainline entry into the Pokemon series is due on Nintendo DS in 2010. Following on from the huge success of the Pokemon Gold and Silver remakes in Japan, with around 3.5 million units sold so far, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have revealed that the true sequel to Pokemon Diamond and Pearl will be heading to the dual-screen portable before the end of 2010 in Japan. No official title or details have been given yet, but regular development team GameFreak is busy working away on the new project from the Pocket Monsters series that started way back in 1996 with Pokemon Blue and Red (or Green in Japan). The only snippet given is that the game will use both screens, the touch-screen function, the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, and various other DS features.

What do you expect to see from the follow-up to the Diamond-Pearl-Platinum releases?

Box art for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



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I wouldn't say it's necessarily a mainseries entry. Serebii only says it could be one, but until we get a proper translation it could just be about a new spin off series. We know it will have new Pokémon, but for now I'm assuming it's another spin off.

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It fits perfectly into the timeline release schedule. It's around the right time for a 5th Gen Pokemon...Pokemon Black & White, with Grey coming as the third entry later Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Even so, for now I consider the mainseries thing as a rumour Smilie Especially since HG/SS came out just last year... already another big one?
They haven't even revealed any newbies yet Smilie Usually they reveal newbies a good few years before the games come out.

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I'd buy it...
Both of them

( Edited 29.01.2010 19:19 by Captian2.0 )

I'm sorry the service you'd requested is unavailible Now say Hello to Bobby

There were 4 years between Ruby/Sapphire and Diamond/Pearl. Inbetween them, FireRed/LeafGreen and Emerald.

With it now being 4 years since Diamond and Pearl were released in Japan, 2010 is the perfect time for a new generation. Smilie

( Edited 29.01.2010 19:40 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

Sounds plausible. And very, very exciting. I was thinking the next generation would be on whatever next handheld system comes out (I don't think any two generations of Pokemon are on the same system) but this has me pretty stoked.

NNID: crackedthesky
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justonesp00lturn said:
Sounds plausible. And very, very exciting. I was thinking the next generation would be on whatever next handheld system comes out (I don't think any two generations of Pokemon are on the same system) but this has me pretty stoked.

Depends how you class it. Either way Gens I and II could both be playing on the GBClassic (with the exception of Crystal)

And GBA has 2 gens (III and GenI remake)
DS already has 2 gens if you include the remakes, this would make DS the first system with 3 gens!

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The Translation on the announcement isn't great. But it's a new Pokemon, on the DS... Which is great, because that means I won't have to by another new handheld for a while. But I hope they add more features to it.

As much as I love pokemon games, I really think they should do something different this time. I think that even Nintendo realizes that they can't keep adding pokemon forever and in my opinion, they should bite the bullet and remove some pokemon completely from the game. There are so many pokemon that are either redundant or never used.

They could also update the game mechanics, or in the very least, make the environment more interactive.

Still, they could do nothing other than add 100 pokemon plus a new map and the game would sell the same amount.

PMD said:
Still, they could do nothing other than add 100 pokemon plus a new map and the game would sell the same amount.

And I'd still love it.
If it were up to me though?

Give the game a better story, make it huge, give it loads of awesome new mechanics, add only 50 REALLY GOOD or so new Pokémon and give it a nice round total, rather than 100 newbies with most being a little meh. Don't get rid of any, some people even like Floatzel (which I find insanely hard to believe), which means any Pokémon might be likeable to some people.

So yeah, shake things up a bit, let us see old and new characters, but I still want to catch wild Pokémon. have a good legie battle or two (not 10 or more thanks), and fight Gym Leaders somewhere along the line.

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Toon SuperLink said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Sounds plausible. And very, very exciting. I was thinking the next generation would be on whatever next handheld system comes out (I don't think any two generations of Pokemon are on the same system) but this has me pretty stoked.

Depends how you class it. Either way Gens I and II could both be playing on the GBClassic (with the exception of Crystal)

And GBA has 2 gens (III and GenI remake)
DS already has 2 gens if you include the remakes, this would make DS the first system with 3 gens!

I wasn't counting remakes as a different generation, but I did forget that Gold and Silver were for GB, lol.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I don't think it is a new main main series game. A new Wii game that supports Platinum and HG/SS is needed, so maybe they're referring to that by main series. Who knows.
If it's new Pokemon, BRING IT ON.
If it's a new Wii game like PBR, but good, BRING THAT ON TOO.

I'd kill for a new Pokemon Trading Card Game game on the DS. Smilie

Phoenixus said:
I'd kill for a new Pokemon Trading Card Game game on the DS. Smilie

That's what I've been saying for 10 years!

thisissuperk said:
I don't think it is a new main main series game. A new Wii game that supports Platinum and HG/SS is needed, so maybe they're referring to that by main series. Who knows.
If it's new Pokemon, BRING IT ON.
If it's a new Wii game like PBR, but good, BRING THAT ON TOO.

It's confirmed to be a new DS game. Smilie
We're not 100% sure if it'll be mainseries or not.

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I havn't played a Pokemon game since Silver.
I loved Silver, but the others looked too much the same.

The incremental changes might have built up enough for it to be worth buying another with this one though Smilie

Hopefully they use the pokemon's more outside of battles, taking some inspiration from the other games. (eg, Id like it so if you could mount a pokemon, the speed you move is based on the pokemons speed stat).
Using pokemon for enviromental puzzles more too would be nice.
Oh, and lets have massive OTT Golden-Sun-esq battle effects Smilie

( Edited 30.01.2010 10:57 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Oh yeah! Map puzzles! That was another thing I had in mind for new Pokémon games. Get rid of HMs, but have a lot of Pokémon with important natural map moves. The only problem is this would require a lot of otherwise unecessary box switching Smilie

But I was really thinking along the lines of the Pokémon Ranger style map puzzles. They can be great and they can only get better.

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hmm..Imagine how fun it would be for all the pokemons standard moves to work on the mapscreen too.
A lot would be pointless/no-effect, but it would be fun to experiment.

eg. Use pika to electrocute everything in a puddle of water Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
eg. Use pika to electrocute everything in a puddle of water Smilie

It would be fun to experiment, as using this example it would decimate anything living in said pond. However it would also mean that surfing across on a regular water type would be impossible, so you would have to fly over or use a Chinchou/Lanturn/Quagsire/Mudkip family instead.

( Edited 30.01.2010 15:22 by Toon SuperLink )

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abdulrehman (guest) 24.08.2011#20

i always try to download pokemon dimond and pearl

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