Nintendo's Mario Back on Top in Japan

By Adam Riley 29.01.2010 1


Nintendo has held off the challenge from two new PSP releases to reclaim the top spot in Japan with Mario on Wii. For the past two weeks, Square Enix's Kindgom Hearts: Birth By Sleep has been at No.1 in Japan, but New Super Mario Bros. Wii has held on to not only see the PSP RPG drop to to No.4, but also stay high enough to stave off the new threat of two PSP releases, SEGA's Valkyria Chronciles 2 and The Battle of Aces from Bandai Namco. The new releases help to keep the PlayStation Portable on top in terms of hardware sales, with DS close behind.

Check out all the software and hardware data below:

Media Create Top 50 - 18th-24th January, 2010
1.) (2) New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii, Nintendo) - 110,918 | 3,117,087
2.) (NEW) Valkyria Chronicles 2 (PSP, Sega) - 94,444 | NEW (73% sell-through)
3.) (NEW) Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Battle of Aces (PSP, Namco Bandai) - 76,088 | NEW (89.6%)
4.) (1) Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP, Square Enix) - 59,566 | 682,933 (93.9%)
5.) (4) Friend Collection (NDS, Nintendo) - 45,002 | 2,696,047 (96.8%)
6.) (5) Wii Fit Plus (Wii, Nintendo) - 33,640 | 1,550,162 (97.1%)
7.) (3) Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Wii, Capcom) - 23,245 | 96,049 (89.4%)
8.) (13) Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP the Best Reprint) (PSP, Capcom) - 16,117 | 102,000 (86.6%)
9.) (9) Wii Sports Resort (Wii, Nintendo) - 15,753 | 1,707,000 (98.7%)
10.) (10) Inazuma Eleven 2: Threat of the Invaders - Fire / Blizzard (NDS, Level 5) - 13,951 | 1,047,000
11.) (11) Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver (NDS, The Pokemon Company) - 13,900 | 3,546,700 (98.8%)
12.) (8) The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (NDS, Nintendo) - 13,800 | 536,200 (76.4%)
13.) (6) Tekken 6 (PSP, Namco Bandai) - 13,750 | 39,700 (76.1%)
14.) (NEW) Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires (PSP, Koei) - 13,700 | NEW (51.2%)
15.) (16) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo) - 10,000 | 5,711,100 (99.8%)
16.) (7) Last Window: Mayonaka no Yakusoku (NDS, Nintendo) - 9,900 | 31,600 (71.3%)
17.) (15) Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo) - 9,900 | 2,537,500 (99.5%)
18.) (14) Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP, Sega) - 9,300 | 541,700 (97.5%)
19.) (17) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3, Square Enix) - 6,800 | 210,000 (97.5%)
20.) (22) PokePark Wii: Picachu's Great Adventure (Wii, The Pokemon Company) - 6,800 | 289,900 (96.4%)
21.) (21) World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 (PSP, Konami) - 6,800 | 176,000 (91.5%)
22.) (18) Taiko Drum Master Wii 2 (Wii, Namco Bandai) - 6,800 | 290,700 (82.2%)
23.) (23) Momotaro Railway 2010: Sengoku Ishin no Hero Daishuugou! no Maki (Wii, Hudson) - 7,927 | 216,500 (93.8%)
24.) (24) Professor Layton and the Flute of Malevolent Destiny (NDS, Level 5) - 7,500 | 619,100 (97.6%)
25.) (12) Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, Square Enix) - 7,500 | 1,861,700 (97.9%)
26.) (47) Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo) - 4,000 | 3,615,900 (99.9%)
27.) (19) Kentoushi: Gladiator Begins (PSP, Acquire) - 4,000 | 15,300 (83.6%)
28.) (29) World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 (PS3, Konami) - 4,000 | 408,600 (97.2%)
29.) (20) Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising (PS3, Codemasters)
30.) (27) Samurai Warriors 3 (Wii, Koei) - 4,000 | 247,900 (96.3%)
31.) (38) Yakuza 3 (PlayStation 3 the Best) (PS3, Sega)
32.) (28) Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam Vs. Gundam Next Plus (PSP, Namco Bandai)
33.) (36) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Legendary Hits) (PS3, Activision) - 4,000 | 116,000 (95.3%)
34.) (RE) Stitch! DS Rhythm and Ohana Adventure (NDS, Disney Interactive) - 4,000 | 80,000 (94.5%)
35.) (25) Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3, Square Enix)
36.) (40) Karaoke Joysound Wii DX (Wii, Hudson)
37.) (30) Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (NDS, Nintendo) - 4,000 | 211,100 (95.9%)
38.) (31) Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (NDS, Square Enix) - 4,000 | 4,143,000 (99.9%)
39.) (34) Pen 1 Grand Prix: A Penguin's Trouble Special (NDS, Konami) - 4,000 | 125,600 (94.0%)
40.) (50) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, Nintendo) - 4,000 | 1,905,800 (99.7%)
41.) (RE) Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo) - 4,000 | 2,763,700 (99.3%)
42.) (37) World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 (PS2, Konami) - 3,700 | 86,600 (90.4%)
43.) (35) Powerful Pro-Kun Pocket 12 (NDS, Konami) - 3,000 | 131,300 (79.1%)
44.) (32) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo) - 2,900 | 3,591,200 (99.7%)
45.) (39) Naruto: Shippuden Narutimate Accelerator 3 (PSP, Namco Bandai)
46.) (43) Assassin's Creed II (PS3, Ubisoft)
47.) (RE) Grand Theft Auto IV (PlayStation 3 the Best) (PS3, Capcom)
48.) (46. Metal Fight Beyblade: Bakutan Cyber Pegasus (NDS, Hudson) - 2,900 | 99,600 (94.4%)
49.) (49) Love Plus (NDS, Konami) - 2,500 | 209,000 (97.1%)
50.) (41) Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos (PSP, Namco Bandai)
XX.) Monster Hunter 3 (Wii, Capcom) - 2,500 | 994,100 (98.0%)
XX.) Kamen Rider (Wii, Bandai Namco) - 2,500 | 59,300 (92.0%)

Hardware - This Week | Last Week | 2010 Sales | Lifetime Sales
1.) PlayStation Portable (all models) - 54,682 | 73,213 | 413,231 | 14,019,505
2.) Nintendo DS (all models) - 49,398 | 64,284 | 399,640 | 29,498,228
3.) Wii - 45,167 | 57,349 | 343,143 | 9,784,487
4.) PlayStation 3 - 26,966 | 35,156 | 238,081 | 4,625,080
5.) Xbox 360 - 3,344 | 4,622 | 20,304 | 1,223,098
6.) PlayStation 2 - 2,088 | 2,580 | 11,783 | 21,617,937
XX.) Nintendo DSi LL - 24,059 | 30,418 | 170,341 | 606,605
XX.) Nintendo DSi - 20,373 | 27,292 | 190,304 | 4,436,789
XX.) Nintendo DS Lite - 4,966 | 6,574 | 38,995 | 17,869,363
XX.) PlayStation Portable - 52,909 | 71,186 | 402,688 | 14,019,505
XX.) PSPgo - 1,773 | 2,027 | 10,543 | 82,395

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. Wii





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (513 Votes)

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MH3 almost sold a million. I really want to know how it will do in the West...

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