Iwata Doubts 3D Technology and iPad

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.01.2010 12

Iwata Doubts 3D Technology and iPad on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It was knives out for Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, as he discussed 3D TV technology and Apple's iPad in a recent interview.

According to CVG, the chirpy company president was fairly doubtful about the emerging bridge between 3D TVs and video games, and how he feels the general consumer would react to wearing special glasses to play.

I have doubts whether people will be wearing glasses to play games at home. How is that going to look to other people?

Iwata was also less than impressed with Apple's latest bid for a portable revolution - the iPad - revealed this week as the link between smartphones and laptops, branding it "just a bigger iPhone".

Quite recently, media have been reporting that iPhone is a rival to Nintendo DS, but I do not strongly agree mainly because of the different in the customers.

My impression as the person who has used iPhone is, it is attractive but, frankly I did not feel that it was designed to be appreciated by a wide variety of people like how Nintendo has been designing its products.

  • Satoru Iwata Nintendo Interview with New York Times
  • What do you think of 3D technology and gaming? Would you be interested in playing games developed with 3D TV in mind?

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    LOL whilst I agree that both concepts seem rubbish so far. Worrying about how people are going to look when both your handheld and home console have people blowing, shouting, waving their arms in the air, jumping around seems a bit ironic.

    I agree with what he has said on both topics. Plus I bet wearing 3D glasses would be annoying for people who also wear normal glasses.

    To be honest, I saw the iPad and laughed. It seemed like a hoax image...it's the same size as an Etch-a-Sketch!

    I couldn't see myself using something so large whilst travelling around.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    I will admit, my Apple bias aside, the thing looks cool. Like, you know, one of those doohickeys in a futuristic sci-fi movie where one scientist will hand it to another and they'll both look at it and rub their chins in unison.

    Unfortunately, it just doesn't seem practical, this particular product.

    It totally reminds me of the PSPgo.

    If you have a surplus of money and a deficit of common sense, this device is for you!

    ( Edited 29.01.2010 14:28 by Nami )

    L said:
    I agree with what he has said on both topics. Plus I bet wearing 3D glasses would be annoying for people who also wear normal glasses.

    Yeah it's either throw them on over your glasses or wear contacts, either way it's a pain. I really hope 3D doesn't catch on.

    So Iwata has the nerve to ask how something is going to look if a stranger sees it?

    Hypocrite much?

    The iPod touch couldn't compete with actual video game machines, why would a device that's twice as expensive and aimed only at people who don't have either a computer or an iPod be able to do it?

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

    The iPad is extreamly expensive for a large iPod touch.
    (which itself is expensive). But that wont stop people buying it.

    Its not aimed at people without a computer though. A computer is required if you want to even load stuff on it. (no SD card or usb slot).
    "I have doubts whether people will be wearing glasses to play games at home. How is that going to look to other people?"

    That saddens me though.
    I thought "looking cool" was something Nintendo wasn't concerned with.
    Personally I don't think shutter glass's is a good method for 3D, and polarised lens is better. But people-wont-want-to-wear-glass's argument is just sad and tired.
    People will wear stuff if it adds to their expirence enough. Not only for 3D, but augmented reality, or head-tracking. Theres lots of cool stuff that we can do for games and software for both at home and portable.

    Imho, the next Nintendo portable would have been absolutely fantastic if it as some augmented reality glass's we could wear when out and about. 2-3 years and the tech would be cheap and streamlined. Just needs a big backer.
    Unfortuntely Nintendo's still too scared from the virtual boy to even remotely look into it, despite the fact the tech is now ready.

    Plus I bet wearing 3D glasses would be annoying for people who also wear normal glasses.

    If they went for polarised-lens tech you could get combo glass's. A few prescription companys were already quite keen on the idea, it dosn't add that much cost.

    Sadly though, it looks like a lot of firms are going for shutter-glass's instead. Probably because they can then sale expensive glass's that need to be replaced often.

    ( Edited 29.01.2010 20:33 by Darkflame )

    http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    For the 3D glasses argument, I would like to point out that most people are comfortable wearing large headphones just to listen to music, so glasses might not be so bad.

    However, I wear prescription glasses, so I don't see how they could make something comfortable over my existing glasses.

    I agree with Iwata that the iPhone is not really a competitor since it was designed to be a phone rather than a game device. It lacks buttons so I doubt it will ever have much more than flash games. It would be very hard to create fast pace games on it.

    Darkflame said:
    The iPad is extreamly expensive for a large iPod touch.
    (which itself is expensive). But that wont stop people buying it.

    Its not aimed at people without a computer though. A computer is required if you want to even load stuff on it. (no SD card or usb slot).
    "I have doubts whether people will be wearing glasses to play games at home. How is that going to look to other people?"

    That saddens me though.
    I thought "looking cool" was something Nintendo wasn't concerned with.
    Personally I don't think shutter glass's is a good method for 3D, and polarised lens is better. But people-wont-want-to-wear-glass's argument is just sad and tired.
    People will wear stuff if it adds to their expirence enough. Not only for 3D, but augmented reality, or head-tracking. Theres lots of cool stuff that we can do for games and software for both at home and portable.

    Imho, the next Nintendo portable would have been absolutely fantastic if it as some augmented reality glass's we could wear when out and about. 2-3 years and the tech would be cheap and streamlined. Just needs a big backer.
    Unfortuntely Nintendo's still too scared from the virtual boy to even remotely look into it, despite the fact the tech is now ready.

    Plus I bet wearing 3D glasses would be annoying for people who also wear normal glasses.

    If they went for polarised-lens tech you could get combo glass's. A few prescription companys were already quite keen on the idea, it dosn't add that much cost.

    Sadly though, it looks like a lot of firms are going for shutter-glass's instead. Probably because they can then sale expensive glass's that need to be replaced often.

    If I said computer, I meant laptop. If you have a laptop, the need for an iPad drops about 50%. If you have a laptop and an iPod Touch or iPhone, it drops the other 50%.

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

    ah, that makes more sense.

    However, I wear prescription glasses, so I don't see how they could make something comfortable over my existing glasses.

    If they used polarised lens tech, you would be able to buy glass's that did both.
    This is my irritation... everyones backing a 20-year old technology rather then a suppiour passive one which could have been intergrated into glass's for everyone..perscription or not.
    You would have to buy a new pair, but at least you wouldnt have to wear one over another.

    But instead Sony etc want us all to buy new tvs and new shutter glass's....stuff the Master System had a few decades ago.

    http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    I just have to share a joke I read on EuroGamer:


    Isn't that Apple's revolutionary new handheld watering can device?

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