It was knives out for Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, as he discussed 3D TV technology and Apple's iPad in a recent interview.
According to CVG, the chirpy company president was fairly doubtful about the emerging bridge between 3D TVs and video games, and how he feels the general consumer would react to wearing special glasses to play.
I have doubts whether people will be wearing glasses to play games at home. How is that going to look to other people?
Iwata was also less than impressed with Apple's latest bid for a portable revolution - the iPad - revealed this week as the link between smartphones and laptops, branding it "just a bigger iPhone".
Quite recently, media have been reporting that iPhone is a rival to Nintendo DS, but I do not strongly agree mainly because of the different in the customers.My impression as the person who has used iPhone is, it is attractive but, frankly I did not feel that it was designed to be appreciated by a wide variety of people like how Nintendo has been designing its products.