Dementium II Delay Euro Release Date Revealed

By Calum Peak 29.01.2010 1

Dementium II Delay Euro Release Date Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Those of you eagerly awaiting the Euro release of Dementium II will have to wait slightly longer as the delay date for release has been announced as April 9th and April 20th for North America compared to earlier reports of February 16th.

Renegade Kid have fought tirelessly for an early release, but it seems, they couldn't win out due to a manufacturing delay which is unfortunate for many fan's of the first title; Dementium: The Ward, You will just have to let the suspense build a little longer before you can bloody your hands with this title. It's not all doom and gloom however, It seems that they have been hard at work on some new titles which we shall look forward to in the future.

Box art for Dementium II

Renegade Kid







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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That's unfortunate. I was going to get it.

I suppose I can wait, Apollo Justice will probably keep me busy for a while, and I have other DS games to finish.

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