Atlus Reveals New Shiren Wii Video

By Adam Riley 28.01.2010 2

Atlus Reveals New Shiren Wii Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Atlus U.S.A. today released a video walkthrough of Shiren the Wanderer, the upcoming Wii entry in the long heralded Shiren series. The video, which runs nearly five minutes in length, introduces viewers to the game's backstory and main characters, its easy-to-use controls and interface, combat and navigation basics, and also gives a sampling of the game's distinct Japanese flavour.

Exceptionally reviewed by famed Japanese gaming publication Famitsu (9/9/8/9), this latest entry in the legendary series stands as one of the most addictive, highly rewarding, and endlessly replayable games available on Wii, not to mention the most accessible Shiren game yet.

"We spent days trying to compress the vastness and depth of the Shiren the Wanderer experience into a short video walkthrough. There is just so much to cover with regards to the game's involved, turn-based roleplaying mechanics, the thrill of exploration, the strategy behind the combat, even the significant influence of Japanese mythology on the game's narrative and game world. That said, after a number of unfortunate accidents and minor injuries (sorry about your head, Scott!), we've finally done it! The Shiren the Wanderer video walkthrough is the perfect preview for gamers and series fans to get a feel for the satisfying RPG action the game promises to deliver this February."
- Crystal Murray, PR Specialist at Atlus.

Shiren the Wanderer for Wii is currently scheduled for release on February 9, 2010.

Box art for Shiren the Wanderer
Also known as

Fushigi no Dungeon - Furai no Shiren 3: Karakuri Yashiki no Nemuri Hime









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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Yeah I'm not interested.

Guest 28.01.2010#2

Wow that looks like so much fun.

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