Climax Interested in a Silent Hill Sequel

By 27.01.2010 12

Climax Interested in a Silent Hill Sequel on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Speaking to the Official Nintendo Magazine, staff at Climax, developer of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories have expressed interest in developing a sequel to the game. It all depends on whether the game sells well or not. It's a sentiment that has become popular with other third parties, due to under-performing titles having less chance of any potential sequels.

Sam Barlow also recently shared his views on mature titles on the Wii.

We've always loved working on the series. Since Origins we've spent a lot of time with the series. For us we felt we've put our stamp on the series with Shattered Memories so we'd love the opportunity to do another one. So everybody go and buy it!

Sam Barlow, Lead Designer

I think this is the first Silent Hill since one or two where people are saying it has its own identity and people are responding to it really well so it would be great to take that further.

Mark Simmons, Game Director

What do you think of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories? Would you like to see a sequel?

Box art for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories








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Great, atmospheric, beautiful, horrifying...

Things associated with this franchise that (SURPRISE) worked well on the Wii. Go buy a few copies! Teach lazy devs that success can be found on Wii and use this title as an example that existing franchises can work on Nintendo's cool little box.

I bought it on PSP.

I want this game so much. I'll definitely be getting this.

My most wanted for Wii in 2010 are Shattered Memories, Monster Hunter 3, Tatsunoko Vs Capcom, Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid Other M.

I think this is going to be a good year for Wii. Hopefully this will sell well and other third parties will get more confidence in developing for Wii.

Our member of the week

i played the US version already and finished it twice. I'll buy it when it comes out in Europe Smilie, it's definitely one of my favorite games on Wii now.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It really does look great, from what I've seen of it. I think this will be a definite buy for me.

There are far to many games coming out, at the moment. I have a pile to get through and Tatsunoko vs Capcom will be arriving this Friday. Unfortunately, I may have to wait a while before I get Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.

OH GOD PLEASE YES. Shattered Memories was one of the most immensely intriguing games I have played in ages. It had so many good ideas - not all of them were executed as well as they could or should have been, but its heart was absolutely in the right place. If they could fix some of the shortcomings of the game, further flesh out the really promising new concepts (especially the psych profile system) and deliver another powerful and well-written story along the lines of SM's... well, it'd be amazing. In fact, I'd go so far as to say there is no other game that has come out this generation which I'd be more interested in seeing a sequel to. Please, Climax, do it!! (And rope in Yamaoka if you can.)

I like everything except to frozen running sections, I would have definitely preferred the darkworld

I've not played the silent hill series but I was thinking of getting this one, as far as i understand its a reimagining of the first one, would that mean a sequal would be a silent hill 2 remake?

I can't imagine how it is on PSP. The motion control stuff is not only a major aspect of the Wii version, it actually plays directly into the story and how well you work through it can have an effect on which ending you get.

As for a sequel... I'd love to see them make an attempt, at least. Akira Yamaoka recently left Konami, and I have a very difficult time imagining the series performing well without him. But we'll see. I have the game, I enjoyed it despite it being short (though it does have some replay value with the story and town layout etc. changing depending on what you do) and a sequel could improve where the first game wasn't so shiny.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

@ JustOnes

I know we've been going back and forth in another thread, but I'm not going to get into any of that to shit up this thread.
Re: PSP/PS2 versions
Anything Wii version does is replicated with the analogue stick, apart from the flashlight. The developers really catered to the one analogue stick concept and made the game really comfortable in your hands. This game does the psych tests, gets to know you and then changes the game around to fuck with your mind. Besides the graphics this game does not feel diluted in any way. Climax really and truly care about their game and the Silent Hill universe, Double Helix (SH:Homecoming) need to step down.

I'm not going to into Yamaoka with youSmilieSmilie

I can say before team Silent left he was only a musician. Others can keep the game aesthetics feeling like a Silent Hill game, but what I'm worried about, is whether they can keep the game sounding like a Silent Hill game.

Konami have other musicians at hand sure but Akira Yamaoka is truly one of a kind.

( Edited 27.01.2010 11:19 by Simez )

Simez said:
@ JustOnes

I know we've been going back and forth in another thread, but I'm not going to get into any of that to shit up this thread.
Re: PSP/PS2 versions
Anything Wii version does is replicated with the analogue stick, apart from the flashlight. The developers really catered to the one analogue stick concept and made the game really comfortable in your hands. This game does the psych tests, gets to know you and then changes the game around to fuck with your mind. Besides the graphics this game does not feel diluted in any way. Climax really and truly care about their game and the Silent Hill universe, Double Helix (SH:Homecoming) need to step down.

I'm not going to into Yamaoka with youSmilieSmilie

I can say before team Silent left he was only a musician. Others can keep the game aesthetics feeling like a Silent Hill game, but what I'm worried about, is whether they can keep the game sounding like a Silent Hill game.

Konami have other musicians at hand sure but Akira Yamaoka is truly one of a kind.

The motion control went much further than the flashlight, though. It was used for running, crawling, swimming, looking around in first-person, etc. Is the flashlight just fixed in place, or what?
I guess they could squeak by without motion control. I think the experience as a whole takes a hefty hit, though.
I liked Homecoming. There's a lot of fan beef with it, but I liked it a lot, other than the storyline was basically just lifted from Silent Hill 2.

Yamaoka wasn't just the composer, though. He was the creative supervisor and series director. And even if he wasn't, these games start with the music, they're built around the music, which is why he was promoted to series director to begin with. They can probably get a good composer, but I don't know what they'll do with creative director. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they handed one or both jobs to Mary Elizabeth McGlynn; she's already been promoted to voice direction and next to Yamaoka has been there for more games in the series than anyone else.
So basically, they can nail the atmosphere. It's the sound and plot development I'm worried about.

But hey, some have brought up that while Yamaoka has severed his contract with Konami, there's nothing to stop him from working on the series as an independant contractor, so he might not even be gone, lol.

( Edited 27.01.2010 19:44 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
Mitchell (guest) 26.03.2010#12

Do it Climax I wana see a sequel on the Wii improve on the current fomular or implement weapons and free roaming and make it longer and much bigger.

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