Capcom Considering More Vs Games if Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Sells Well

By Calum Peak 25.01.2010 31

Capcom Considering More Vs Games if Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Sells Well on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the UK release of Tatsunoko vs Capcom next week, a recent interview with Ryoto Niitsuma a producer with Capcom Japan, revealed that he would like to continue the Vs. series further depending on how well the title did on the Wii overall. He also showed console balance insofar as that PS3/XBOX360 received Street Fighter 4 and wanted to put his fighting games onto all the home consoles in the market and felt the Wii was the best choice for the Vs. series.

How did you decide on bringing the Tatsunoko vs Capcom to the Wii? Was this a group decision or yours?

Well at Capcom it’s our goal to bring fighting games to all systems and all types of players, because we already had Street Fighter IV which came out for the 360 and the PlayStation 3, we wanted to do something for the Wii. So we thought that the Wii would be a good fit for this type of fighting action game. At Capcom we hope to put fighting games on all systems.

Now that the game is being released, are you relieved that it’s out or are you looking forward to your next project?

I guess I’m split 50/50 I mean of course I’m relieved we’re done we got the game out and I’m happy that the fans are able to play it now. But now that I’ve got this into the hands of the fans I want to get something new for them to enjoy as well. So I mean it’s a little bit of both, but I mean more than anything right now I feel relieved that we got it out.

With the long time frame between Versus titles, do you want to let this one sit for a while or do you want to get back out and make a new versus game?

For us at Capcom fighting games are in a renaissance for our company. So we want to keep making fighting action games so we’ll see how the sales do on this game and if they're well than we’ll make sure to get another game out without too much time passing.

With Capcom already including Marvel comics, SNK, Namco and now Tatsunoku into their Vs. series, what franchise would you like to see next? And do you plan to purchase Tatsunoko vs Capcom?

Box art for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars








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Most definitely getting CvsT - love Capcom's brawlers, and wouldn't mind seeing a new Marvel versus! Capcom vs Mortal Kombat would be swish! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
~ MegaBoyX2 ~ (guest) 25.01.2010#2

I WOULD LOVE CAPCOM VS MK! Ryu fighting Someone like Scorpion would be SO GOOD! ~ MegaBoyX2 ~

I don't think Mortal Kombat and Capcom would ever happen, the DC versus game was absolute tripe. Crossovers just don't work when they are a bit too different like Mortal Kombat.

Capcom Vs Everyone Else

Disney Vs Capcom AND BEFORE YOU GO FFFFFF!, think about the disney characters having attacks inspiered from their classic games that capcom used to make, liek have scrooge mcduck with his cain and such.

But about the Capcom vs mortal Kombat, or more likely, Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat, i remember one of the creators of either one mentioning he would love a cross over in an interveiw before.

I'd also say Capcom Vs SEGA, but i could just see the Sega half being all wrong.

Capcom vs nintendo! that would be epic! Since we are all used to seeing nintendos chracters fighting in ssb. My god that could be one he'll of a game. Viewtiful joe vs samus, ryu vs mario,

Capcom vs. Avatar

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I second Capcom vs Nintendo. Super Smash Bros with Street Fighter gameplay.

Wait, Capcom have to "consider" making another vs game? I'm pretty sure it was a given that they can't stop making them! TvC will definitely be their best selling VS game so far, with all the attention it's getting, and being the only real arcade fighter on Wii.

Capcom Vs The Government would be awesome.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I really want Pheonix to be in this game, or maybe Franzisca. She would attack people with her whip. I am looking forward to this game but I might not buy it on release date. If They do make another game it should be Capcom VS SEGA. That would be intersting, Ryu VS SonicSmilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Capcom Vs Atari.

Think about it - Ken Masters against Paperboy.

Echoes221 said:
Capcom vs nintendo! that would be epic! Since we are all used to seeing nintendos chracters fighting in ssb. My god that could be one he'll of a game. Viewtiful joe vs samus, ryu vs mario,
This XD
I personally prefer this idea though:

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Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Could just imagine Tony the Tiger shoving frosties down Ryu's throat, choking him then uppercutting him shouting "THERE GRREEAAT!!" Doing 32,000 billion damage.

How about Shounen Jump Vs Capcom?

Nintendo Vs Capcom would get great.

As would Mortal Kombat Vs Capcom.

Or Sonic Vs Capcom, I mean, there's more than enough characters to fill that up alone.

Stulaw said:
Could just imagine Tony the Tiger shoving frosties down Ryu's throat, choking him then uppercutting him shouting "THERE GRREEAAT!!" Doing 32,000 billion damage.

How about Shounen Jump Vs Capcom?

Nintendo Vs Capcom would get great.

As would Mortal Kombat Vs Capcom.

Or Sonic Vs Capcom, I mean, there's more than enough characters to fill that up alone.

If they had Shonen Jump VS Capcom they would have characters like Y-u-Gi-Oh fighting Ryu or Ken. There was the Mortal Kombat VS DC but I have heard it is not that great. If SEGA callaberated to make SEGA VS Capcaom that would have some intersting results. AiAi VS Bison or something like that.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

AiAi VS Morrigan.

And AiAi would win.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Toon SuperLink said:
AiAi VS Morrigan.

And AiAi would win.

Because of his giant ball lol. Rember that slogan we saw for Monkey Ball Adventure

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Capcom Vs McDonalds.

Capcom Vs BBC.

Capcom Vs NHS.

Capcom Vs Ann Summers.

Capcom Vs Nickelodeon.

Martin_ said:
Capcom Vs McDonalds.

Capcom Vs BBC.

Capcom Vs NHS.

Capcom Vs Ann Summers.

Capcom Vs Nickelodeon.

LOL. Ryu VS Chucky from Rugrats. That would be epic.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Capcom Vs Kratos

Simez said:
Capcom Vs Kratos

Even Issun could beat Kratos.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Capcom Vs Colecovision.

Capcom Vs Hammer House of Horror.

Capcom Vs The Third Reich.

Capcom Vs Nintendogs.

Toon SuperLink said:
Simez said:
Capcom Vs Kratos

Even Issun could beat Kratos.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad new but er.. Kratos already stepped on Issun and sat on Ammy. Now they're so small they have to be put on DS.

Capcom Vs The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Refer to sig (both parts).

Toon SuperLink said:
TvC will definitely be their best selling VS game so far, with all the attention it's getting, and being the only real arcade fighter on Wii.

I disagree completely. I have a feeling that it will have terrible, terrible sales. Less than 50K and probably less than 30K.

PMD said:
Toon SuperLink said:
TvC will definitely be their best selling VS game so far, with all the attention it's getting, and being the only real arcade fighter on Wii.

I disagree completely. I have a feeling that it will have terrible, terrible sales. Less than 50K and probably less than 30K.

LMAO me too, and then a Capcom PR will bitch about the Wii having a huge install base with no gaymers.

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