Marvelous to Sell 50% Share in Rising Star Games

By 23.01.2010 3

Marvelous to Sell 50% Share in Rising Star Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

What may come as some sad news, for some, Marvelous Entertainment has changed it plans for Western releases for it's future games. The reasons being due to lower than expected sales and tough marketing conditions. It's an announcement that will see the company cut back on its global commitments.

Before, Marvelous aimed to bring its software to a worldwide audience and gain a presence in doing so. Unfortunately, it seems like their previous plans haven't gone as well as they hoped and today they have announced a new strategy. The new strategy has unfortunately seen them sell half a share of thier European distributor, Rising Star Games.

The new plan that Marvelous will put into affect will be a licensing model. This will mean Western publishers will now have to bid for the rights to Marvelous titles.

There is no news on whether this will affect the European launches of No More Heroes 2 or Fragile.

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This could be awful news if it means smaller Marvelous games are overlooked. Sakura Note and PostPet DS are just two low-key DS releases that I thought RSG would definitely pick up. Now, though, the chances are much lower Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

This is terrible news and I'm really sad about it... the thought that we may just end up getting erratic releases for Harvest Moon, Bomberman, and all those great new Wii IPs again is just painful...

Rising Star were great, even if it did take them a while. I really hope they can stay in some form Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Oh no.

After little king's story and no more heroes, there was a shiny, shiny future. Let's hope it will be preserved.

But, I must say, I haven't seen any little king's story in any shop wherever. If you want to sell a game, make it available, nitwits!

Calling that "tough marketing conditions" is like calling cars "tough boxing opponents". Makes no sense.

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