New Details About The Grinder

By 21.01.2010 26

New Details About The Grinder on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A recent article by Nintendo Power has revealed new information about High Voltage's next Wii FPS, The Grinder. It's set to be another whack at the core gamer sector of the Wii audience and appears to be an attempt to bring a Left 4 Dead-like game to the system, albeit with more vampires and werewolves.

According to the magazine (via GoNintendo), the game will be set on an alternate version of Earth where monsters actually do exist, and you can play as four different characters. The motley crew will be made up of Mexican bounty hunter Hector, Miko the Japanese assassin, the originally named doctor Doc and AJ, the sole survivor of a slasher attack on her sorority.

The game will support use of Wii MotionPlus and, contrary to older reports, the game apparently will only support two player co-op both locally and online, not four.

What do you make of the new updates? What do you think about the change in multiplayer options?


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sadly i still anticipate this game...

Here's my grinder...

Image for


Image for

It has a little compartment in the top where you can store your ground-up herb of choice.

Image for

The teethy pit of doom for any herb. Grounds them up into a nice powder.

If I were you I'd just get one of them instead of this game. You can tell people that you've bought grinder, and you'll only be half-lying. It also only costs a couple quid from your local Asian corner shop.

My God Martin you are eating my stars SmilieSmilie

Well, I own The Conduit and other than some problems here and there during Online, I've enjoyed ever since I bought it at launch.

Here's hoping that this and the other projects High Voltage has keep getting better and better.

Simez said:
My God Martin you are eating my stars SmilieSmilie

I've been living off your stars alone for quite a while, now! Smilie

I shall call you Nemesis for your love of S.T.A.R.S

Simez said:
I shall call you Nemesis for your love of S.T.A.R.S

Sigged, starred. SmilieSmilie

"the game apparently will have only 2 player co-op both local and online rather than 4."

*deep breath*


Oh well, it least it has local. If it has better AI than Left 4 Dead 2 (which is the worst AI I've ever seen in a video game, hands down; it's like they took the first game, made it WORSE, then shipped it out in beta) then I'll be happy. And it supposedly has an actual story, which is what L4D lacks.
I played Hunter: The Reckoning and I thought it was pretty cool. I'm looking forward to this being a much sleeker, more playable successor to it.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Hunter the Reckoning was fun with 4 players, but L4D is a better game and this game is probably trying to give Wii owners a taste of that. Even without 4 players online, I am waiting to see if this is any good. It definitely sounds like fun.

justonesp00lturn said:
Oh well, it least it has local. If it has better AI than Left 4 Dead 2 (which is the worst AI I've ever seen in a video game, hands down; it's like they took the first game, made it WORSE, then shipped it out in beta) then I'll be happy. And it supposedly has an actual story, which is what L4D lacks.

Yeah, I played L4D2 and thought it wasn't all that, as well. There was just something a bit naff about it. Was somehow shitter than the original, even though it was bigger and had more stuff. Blame that one year development-cycle, I guess.

Looks nice! Can't wait for this!

Martin_ said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Oh well, it least it has local. If it has better AI than Left 4 Dead 2 (which is the worst AI I've ever seen in a video game, hands down; it's like they took the first game, made it WORSE, then shipped it out in beta) then I'll be happy. And it supposedly has an actual story, which is what L4D lacks.

Yeah, I played L4D2 and thought it wasn't all that, as well. There was just something a bit naff about it. Was somehow shitter than the original, even though it was bigger and had more stuff. Blame that one year development-cycle, I guess.

Well, the computers don't help and LOVE to stand directly in front of you, and if two human players split up, both computers go for one and leave the other for dead, whereas the cps would also split up in the first game.
When you think about it, there really doesn't have more stuff. One of the campaigns has only four chapters, and another campaign has five technically, but two of them are the same, you just do them twice. The melee weapons all functino in exactly the same way, they're basically the same programming with different appearances (the exception being the chainsaw.) And the game spawns zombies to the point of lagging ferociously, lol. They also dumbed down the ai director. In the first game, you could get attacked by anything at any time. My friend and I correctly predict things in 2 all the time. Like the bridge in The Parish, there's a Tank halfway across it. Every single time. Hasn't ever varied.
I hope the Grinder has better AI. I'm pretty excited for it already.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Left 4 Dead is a bit like this for me:

I think only 2 player online kinda defeats the point of having four characters....

justonesp00lturn said:
"the game apparently will have only 2 player co-op both local and online rather than 4."

*deep breath*


Oh well, it least it has local. If it has better AI than Left 4 Dead 2 (which is the worst AI I've ever seen in a video game, hands down; it's like they took the first game, made it WORSE, then shipped it out in beta) then I'll be happy. And it supposedly has an actual story, which is what L4D lacks.
I played Hunter: The Reckoning and I thought it was pretty cool. I'm looking forward to this being a much sleeker, more playable successor to it.

I think L4D 1 has the worst AI >_<. I can't beat No Mercy on the hardest difficulty with 3 NPC's. It's impossible. I'm currently stuck on the finale. Why won't they pick up explosives?....wait what am I thinking? We'd all be dead!!! I don't know about this game. I have to do more research about it, but I do know that it won't be as good as L4D because of the fact of what you just said only having 2 players online.

It sucks even more for the people who have played the L4D series.

EDIT: Echoes awesome link. I watched so many times over the summer months.

( Edited 22.01.2010 04:02 by Teetrab )

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

Teetrab said:
justonesp00lturn said:
"the game apparently will have only 2 player co-op both local and online rather than 4."

*deep breath*


Oh well, it least it has local. If it has better AI than Left 4 Dead 2 (which is the worst AI I've ever seen in a video game, hands down; it's like they took the first game, made it WORSE, then shipped it out in beta) then I'll be happy. And it supposedly has an actual story, which is what L4D lacks.
I played Hunter: The Reckoning and I thought it was pretty cool. I'm looking forward to this being a much sleeker, more playable successor to it.

I think L4D 1 has the worst AI >_<. I can't beat No Mercy on the hardest difficulty with 3 NPC's. It's impossible. I'm currently stuck on the finale. Why won't they pick up explosives?....wait what am I thinking? We'd all be dead!!! I don't know about this game. I have to do more research about it, but I do know that it won't be as good as L4D because of the fact of what you just said only having 2 players online.

It sucks even more for the people who have played the L4D series.

EDIT: Echoes awesome link. I watched so many times over the summer months.

Well, given that 90% of the people I played Left 4 Dead with online were almost mosre retarded than the AI, I'm not sure it'll be that big of an issue for me. I mean, seriously? Let's climb the lighthouse for defense? Where one single smoker or one tank can and will destroy your entire team in a matter of seconds?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

To be honest, I never had a problem with computers getting in my way in the first game, but it happens constantly in the second one. That video was hilarious, though, lol.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:

Well, given that 90% of the people I played Left 4 Dead with online were almost mosre retarded than the AI, I'm not sure it'll be that big of an issue for me. I mean, seriously? Let's climb the lighthouse for defense? Where one single smoker or one tank can and will destroy your entire team in a matter of seconds?

Haha!True that. But that's the beauty of it. The team work. All 4 of you strategizing and working together. Be truthful, it feels really good when you're with a team that kicks ass doesn't it?

At least you have more chances to find decent people for 4 slots. But then again with the Wii's online set up *sigh* you'll have to exchange long friend codes...DAMN YOU ONLINE WII! DAMN YOU!!!!

I've got a few friends who are good at the game and I can survive pretty well myself. Overall after watching the videos I'ma have to say no. It looks too much like the Conduit. The guy even dies the same way in the videos. That level looks generic with the same kind of monster coming at you. It seems too repetitive. The Conduit was bearable for me, but I wouldn't want to play it again. If you loved the Conduit and don't own any other system then by all means I'd recommend you to get it, but it would be hard for me to do that with zombie shooters like L4D out on the market.

EDIT: I suck at quoting ... =(

( Edited 22.01.2010 04:29 by Teetrab )

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

Teetrab said:
justonesp00lturn said:

Well, given that 90% of the people I played Left 4 Dead with online were almost mosre retarded than the AI, I'm not sure it'll be that big of an issue for me. I mean, seriously? Let's climb the lighthouse for defense? Where one single smoker or one tank can and will destroy your entire team in a matter of seconds?

Haha!True that. But that's the beauty of it. The team work. All 4 of you strategizing and working together. Be truthful, it feels really good when you're with a team that kicks ass doesn't it?

At least you have more chances to find decent people for 4 slots. But then again with the Wii's online set up *sigh* you'll have to exchange long friend codes...DAMN YOU ONLINE WII! DAMN YOU!!!!

I've got a few friends who are good at the game and I can survive pretty well myself. Overall after watching the videos I'ma have to say no. It looks too much like the Conduit. The guy even dies the same way in the videos. That level looks generic with the same kind of monster coming at you. It seems too repetitive. The Conduit was bearable for me, but I wouldn't want to play it again. If you loved the Conduit and don't own any other system then by all means I'd recommend you to get it, but it would be hard for me to do that with zombie shooters like L4D out on the market.

EDIT: I suck at quoting ... =(

I think it's supposed to have some kind of random match-up, but I could be wrong. Also, regarding the videos, if memory serves, those are from the earliest build of the game, and they've said they're working on making it more diverse.

In any case, it'll probably still be worth it, to me, and to others who only own a Wii and would like more hardcore games. Plus, HVS should have a higher budget for this one, so it should be better than the Conduit in some ways.

Edit: The videos are a bit old, notice he says they'll have 4-player online. Hopefully, they've worked on it a bit since then.
Interestingly, I think the narrator is the same guy who played Michael Ford, lol.

( Edited 22.01.2010 04:36 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Ok I've watched the later videos just now and its starting to grow on me. Yeah it looks like it could be fun. I'm seeing the guy play it and perhaps the controls have improved some since the last one. That werewolf looks badass! Maybe I can pretend its the twighlight werewolf and slaughter him! lol

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

Moreover, it seems like The Grinder has an actual story to it. Left 4 Dead is basically "Once upon a time, ZOMBIES! SHOOT AT 'EM! The end." So hopefully it'll at least have that much more than Left 4 Dead.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
Lucas (guest) 22.01.2010#21

It is like Digimon is to Pokemon, a crap knockoff of LFD lol

Lucas (guest) said:
It is like Digimon is to Pokemon, a crap knockoff of LFD lol

Actually, Digimon started off as a new wave of Tamagotchi, which was around the same time as Pokemon. Not to mention that besides having monsters, the two aren't very similar at all.
And anyway, that's like saying Conduit was a ripoff of Halo. They really aren't very similar at all. You're basing this on what? The fact that both have guns? I could just as easily say Left 4 Dead was a ripoff of Hunter: The Reckoning.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I'm not sure if they have really taken out the 4 player online co-op, since I can't read the Nintendo Power article myself (I live in England you see), but GoNintendo says 2 player co-op with both local and online, so that's what I had to go by with the article.

Still, the game should be good fun, the conduit is on multiplayer, and it doesn't even have local multiplayer.

Stulaw said:
I'm not sure if they have really taken out the 4 player online co-op, since I can't read the Nintendo Power article myself (I live in England you see), but GoNintendo says 2 player co-op with both local and online, so that's what I had to go by with the article.

Still, the game should be good fun, the conduit is on multiplayer, and it doesn't even have local multiplayer.

To be honest, when I read it in NP, I thought it was a typo. They don't mention an amednment to earlier statements, it just says "with two player online and local co-op" or something like that. Very fleeting.
Hey, if they can pack 12 people into the Conduit, they can get 4 in The Grinder, I'm sure.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I think only 2 player online kinda defeats the point of having four characters....

Because choice is nice?

I mean, its not like we expect Smash Bros online to have dozens of players at once :p

( Edited 23.01.2010 21:31 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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