Teetrab said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Well, given that 90% of the people I played Left 4 Dead with online were almost mosre retarded than the AI, I'm not sure it'll be that big of an issue for me. I mean, seriously? Let's climb the lighthouse for defense? Where one single smoker or one tank can and will destroy your entire team in a matter of seconds?
Haha!True that. But that's the beauty of it. The team work. All 4 of you strategizing and working together. Be truthful, it feels really good when you're with a team that kicks ass doesn't it?
At least you have more chances to find decent people for 4 slots. But then again with the Wii's online set up *sigh* you'll have to exchange long friend codes...DAMN YOU ONLINE WII! DAMN YOU!!!!
I've got a few friends who are good at the game and I can survive pretty well myself. Overall after watching the videos I'ma have to say no. It looks too much like the Conduit. The guy even dies the same way in the videos. That level looks generic with the same kind of monster coming at you. It seems too repetitive. The Conduit was bearable for me, but I wouldn't want to play it again. If you loved the Conduit and don't own any other system then by all means I'd recommend you to get it, but it would be hard for me to do that with zombie shooters like L4D out on the market.
EDIT: I suck at quoting ... =(
I think it's supposed to have some kind of random match-up, but I could be wrong. Also, regarding the videos, if memory serves, those are from the earliest build of the game, and they've said they're working on making it more diverse.
In any case, it'll probably still be worth it, to me, and to others who only own a Wii and would like more hardcore games. Plus, HVS should have a higher budget for this one, so it should be better than the Conduit in some ways.
Edit: The videos are a bit old, notice he says they'll have 4-player online. Hopefully, they've worked on it a bit since then.
Interestingly, I think the narrator is the same guy who played Michael Ford, lol.
( Edited 22.01.2010 04:36 by justonesp00lturn )
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