SEGA Goes Bananas over Bananas

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.01.2010 7

SEGA Goes Bananas over Bananas on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Monkeys love bananas, and so does SEGA with a new marketing agreement with Chiquita to promote the latest Super Monkey Ball.

The leading distributor of bananas in the States will slap on a sticker to promote Step & Roll from February, and in exchange SEGA have pimped out the game full of Chiquita banana branding - much like Dole was used in the original two outings.

There'll also be the launch of the Super Bananza Sweepstakes where one lucky winner can have the complete Monkey Ball setup - a huge 50" HDTV, new sofa, 4 gaming chairs, Wii console, balance board and of course - a copy of the game.

We're thrilled to partner with Chiquita. This is a fun way to get the whole family together and we are proud to have AiAi and MeeMee featured on clusters of Chiquita Bananas.

Sean Ratcliffe, Vice President of Marketing for SEGA of America.

Box art for Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll








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This kind of advertising works on me. i remember buying dole branded products for the sole reason they were featured in the first game.


NintendoStanley said:
This kind of advertising works on me. i remember buying dole branded products for the sole reason they were featured in the first game.

I did the exact same thing.

However this Monkey Ball game has to revitalise the franchise to its full glory if they want me to go look for Chiquita bananas Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I dont have any hopes.
I loved Monkey Ball on the gamecube, but on the Wii it was just "meh". Everything unlocked at once and somehow the controlls just didnt feel right.

Korapina, on the other hand, works really nicely. So I guess that games taken over for me. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
I dont have any hopes.
I loved Monkey Ball on the gamecube, but on the Wii it was just "meh". Everything unlocked at once and somehow the controlls just didnt feel right.

You didn't unlock World 9 and 10 then didja Smilie

I loved Banana Blitz but it wasn't as good as the first two.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm Chiquita Banana and I'm here to say: I will eat this Toblerone and I will not pay!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

This article didn't really make sense. Are the 3rd and 4th paragraphs about the same sweepstakes? It looks like it was written by 2 authors.

Link (guest) 22.01.2010#7

I want a banana up my arse wit the sticker on of course LOL

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