Ubisoft Post New Red Steel 2 Wii Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.01.2010 7

Ubisoft Post New Red Steel 2 Wii Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Official Nintendo Magazine recently played through a sequence of Ubisoft's highly anticipated sword wielder, Red Steel 2.

The latest build sees our masked protagonist wander through western streets, blasting through various enemies and taking out a brutal boss at the end of it all.


There isn't too long to wait Red Steel fans, the sequel is due out in Europe on March 23rd 2009.

What do you think of the direction in both gameplay and visuals Ubisoft have taken with Red Steel 2? Will you be parting with hard earned dosh in a couple of month's time?

Box art for Red Steel 2





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (184 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Looks more cartoony than it did at E3, still, it looks good, although, I think CVG need to turn their capture card down in brightness a bit, or something.

Anyway, looking forward to see how this game is going to turn out.

( Edited 19.01.2010 10:07 by Stulaw )

Hmm looks really nice, it's kinda like madworld in colour in visual style, I like it. Gameplay seems really smooth sword play looks really engaging too. Though I agree with Stulaw, they could've down the brightness a bit and up'ed the contrast. Cause I can see some diverse tones of yellow, red and brown in the background but you don't really notice them because colour contrast is down, the colours look pale.

They don't need to saturate the colours, but up the contrast and down the bightness should do the trick.

Really looking forward to this. I hope this demo was set on easy though. All the enemies look like walk overs.

It sure got my attention!

It doesn't look or feel half bad, but I do worry about the AI and repetitiveness of it all - would like to see a bit more variation in the enemies, attack patterns etc - as that was a pretty big drawback in the original for me.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I dunno, it looks good, enemies could be improved, they all look generic and do the same thing, but theres something missing I duno what it is.

I still think it looks terribly boring. Bland environments, repetitive enemies (that slow down while doing their strong jump attack, how convenient! [wait, it gets better, even if they land a hit, you'll still block them! ]), slow controls.

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