Rare Eager to Share Characters With Other Publishers

By 15.01.2010 5

Rare Eager to Share Characters With Other Publishers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After Banjo and Kazooie were recently added as exclusive characters in the Xbox 360 version of SEGA All-Stars Racing, it appears that Rare wouldn't mind allowing other 3rd Party developers using their characters again.

Speaking to CVG, Mark Betteridge, from Britsh game developer Rare has expressed his consideration to let other developers use their characters.

It makes sense to keep our characters in the public eye and in players' awareness, and this opportunity was one we couldn't pass up - not only did it allow Banjo and Kazooie to appear as they've most recently been seen in a Nuts & Bolts-style vehicle, but we'd be entrusting them to a well-known publisher with its own compatible stable of characters.

As long as we felt it was beneficial to the franchise. We're wary of spreading any of our properties too thin, but at the same time the feedback on Banjo appearing in All-Stars Racing has been great, so as long as we choose carefully we're happy to give players extra opportunities to take control of Rare characters.

Could this mean we might be seeing some classic Rare characters reappearing on Nintendo's platforms, in the future?

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I don't think this means we'll see Rare's characters on Wii or DS. Rare are still owned by Microsoft, and that would be almost like seeing Mario on 360.

They probably just mean that they will chuck Banjo into other 360 titles, much like Mario and pals starred in some EA Sports titles last gen.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm going to have to agree with SuperLink here. That would be too good to be true.Smilie *sigh*

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Toon SuperLink said:
I don't think this means we'll see Rare's characters on Wii or DS. Rare are still owned by Microsoft, and that would be almost like seeing Mario on 360.

Yeah, it'd be crazy, wouldn't it? Crazy like seeing more GBA games from Rare than Xbox ones...or seeing Viva Pinata come to DS! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:

Yeah, it'd be crazy, wouldn't it? Crazy like seeing more GBA games from Rare than Xbox ones...or seeing Viva Pinata come to DS! Smilie

Those games were all part of deals that Rare made with Nintendo soon after they disbanded though, right?

I really don't think Microsoft would be happy putting Banjo in a Nintendo game as a guest character.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Banjo-Kazooie are in SEGA All-Star Racing!?


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