Pokémon Ranger 3 in Development

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.01.2010 6

Pokémon Ranger 3 in Development on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Pokémon Ranger fans can enjoy a new adventure with a third entry in the series on the way to Nintendo's DS this March.

Dubbed Hikari no Kiseki (Path of Light), the game once again follows a Ranger who can trap wild Pokémon by using a "Capture Styler", drawing energy by using a stylus on a mysterious tropical island. It’s tropical, so there'll be a whole host of interesting new varieties to find and collect and "Ranger Signs" to summon specific Pokémon with new abilities.

According to CoroCoro Magazine, Hikari no Kiseki is due March 9th in Japan.

Box art for Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs





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All I want is a new Pokemon Trading Card Game for the DS.

Hell yeah, Pokemon Ranger rocks!

1st game - hardest game I've ever played

2nd game - Haven't finished, but a cakewalk compared to the first

3rd - ???

4th - PROFIT!!

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Smilie @ Keven Smilie

I can't wait for this either, I loved the 2nd game, it was long, solid, and the story was much better than I expected.
More Pokémon Ranger is never a bad thing.

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Nice - would be good to see Ranger on Wii, or at least if they do a full Wii Poke-RPG then have a section where you can use a Capture Remoter to catch.

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pichu lover (guest) 21.01.2010#5

THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

terracotta (guest) 06.02.2010#6

Pokemon Ranger is, like, totally awesome. If you want good stuff be lazy and pick up yer DS and play it instead of walking the hole 10 feet to the Tv remote.

1-- harder than surving a falling over a cliff

2-- got through in a year (record compared 5yeare it took to comlete one)


4-- Smilie Smilie Smilie SmilieSmilie Smilie

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