Capcom Brings Shooting to Tatsunoko Wii

By Adam Riley 12.01.2010 5

Capcom Brings Shooting to Tatsunoko Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars just got even better. Due for release the end of January, the revamped online Wii-exclusive fighting title just seems to get better and better with each passing day. This time Capcom has announced that it will be adding even more to the game's longevity by including none other than a traditional scrolling shooter for fans of the shmup genre! This shooting mini-game will see the various characters unleashing their moves as usual, except in a somewhat different situation to their brawling arena.

Be sure to see exactly how this intriguing addition will look by checking out the video clip below:

Do you think this is the sort of extra developers should be including on a more regular basis to improve value for money?

Box art for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars








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It does not hurt sales to add a little more.

And it sure helps add to the longevity of the game. Online and the extra modes are great and I'll definitely be purchasing the game.

Why don't all developers put this much effort into there games? Makes me very glad that they did not release this title in the west at the same time as when they first released it in Japan! Game Already Reserved!!! Smilie


reminds me of Cannon Spike, something to play in between all the burning thumb fighting Smilie

This is incredibly awesome.

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