MadWorld Wii Sequel Being Considered

By Adam Riley 11.01.2010 11

MadWorld Wii Sequel Being Considered on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fans of Platinum Games' brutal and bloody Wii-exclusive, MadWorld, could well see a sequel in the near future. The Director of the project, Shigenori Nishikawa, has exclusively told Official Nintendo Magazine in the UK publication's forthcoming latest issue (due on 15th January, 2010) that he would definitely like to see a sequel to the SEGA-published game that never quite reached the sales levels of Platinum's new release, Bayonetta, despite plenty of pre-release hype.

Nishikawa-san, however, states that even though SEGA has cited lower than expected sales of MadWorld as just one of the reasons for it moving away from 'mature' Wii games, "I think MadWorld was very well received and was acknowledged for its innovative graphical style and gameplay. We would definitely be interested in making a sequel in the future. [ The Wii is ] a very well-balanced piece of hardware."

Do you think MadWorld should be given another chance to fulfil its potential in the form of a sequel?

Box art for MadWorld








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A future title would definitely need to look a little deeper than mindless combat for me to consider a purchase.

They should totally get Mikami on it. Smilie

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Would be good to get more variety and some sorta depth into it - maybe some online free-for-all play would justify it.

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I agree this title (franchise?) needs another go, but I heard Final Fight 3D did not really past muster either. So Platinum just needs to iron out the wrinkles and they WILL have a winner.

Biggest fix needed: B/W needs DOF to be playable... I was always confused.

Toon SuperLink said:
A future title would definitely need to look a little deeper than mindless combat for me to consider a purchase.

They should totally get Mikami on it. Smilie

I second this notion, and make it 480p and 60hz, this time. Also yes Depth of Field would be good for the confusion people suffered.

"Innovative game" - lol Nishikawa-san has lots to learn about making engaging videogames for adults, luckily for him Kamiya-san is only next door door.

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Yeah, or they could do a big budget more diverse/interesting game that would attract a lot more buyers.

Even a Shemnue port/compilation would probably sale more. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Wii gets madworld 360 get bayonetta. Bayonetta looks amazing.

Back to Madworld. Release a sequel multi platform. Put motion plus in it and kill of ALL gesture based controls for a closer 1to1 control. Vary gameplay and get rid of the over the top american commentry.

Grabbing people should be done pressing A+B together= pinching the remote to grab is the most natural thing to do and remember. Learn from other games inparticular wii resort and Trauma centre

Actually instead of a sequel why not Streets of rage third person 3D game with an Escape from Newyork theme

( Edited 11.01.2010 17:53 by meeto_0 )

I always wanted to try this game, but every video I've seen just looks... difficult. Like I wouldn't even be able to play because it looks so two-dimensional, and I see this was an issue for people who did play it. Maybe I should give it a rent at least.
But otherwise, I'm all for people actually TRYING to make good games for Wii.

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It is a good game, if a bit short and repetitive with the moves, if there is a sequel, there should be more weapons for more variation in the kills, and the story mode needs to be longer.

An online deathmatch would be awesome, and maybe the ability to upload level scores on a leaderboard with a time-trial mode.

No issues with the game running in PAL 50Hz, the game looked great.

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welshwuff (guest) 12.01.2010#10

Meh. I bought the first one almost out of pity and to say "more like this please", still haven't completed it after I got bored doing the same thing over and over. :/ It's not a great game, it didn't live up to hype and people only defend it as a "mature" title for wii rather than it being any good.

trent (guest) 14.06.2010#11

hell yeah i absolutely love madworld its the only reason i haven't turned my back on the wii

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