New Character Revealed For Tatsunoko Vs Capcom

By 07.01.2010 9

New Character Revealed For Tatsunoko Vs Capcom on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Yesterday on Gamespot a new character was revealed for the Western release of the game, and she may at first seem similar to a character already on the roster, but don't be fooled, she plays a heck of alot differently. Don't look at the videos if you don't want any more spoilers.

Original Gamespot Video (includes Muscle March Wii gameplay):

Gameplay of the Character from Gamespot:

If you don't want to watch the videos:

Update: Even more Trailers of the New Character have come form Capcom Unity:

Thanks to Squidboy for the update.

What do you think of the inclusion of this character? Are you excited about the game?

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I think this is a great inclusion personally, and the Muscle March gameplay is hilarious.

Our member of the week

Another clone of an already existing character. weak addition IMO.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
Another clone of an already existing character. weak addition IMO.

She\'s not a clone, watch the Vids. In particular, the first one, or click the link to Gamespot

( Edited 06.01.2010 11:38 by Stulaw )

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is such a fantastically addictive game. The Japanese edition was brilliant, but it's so pleasing to see Capcom putting extra effort into the Western release. Only a couple of weeks left before it hits the US and Europe Smilie

I played Muscle March when it first came out in Japan...and it's one of the most annoying games I've ever had the displeasure of playing.

I'm only part the way through that Gamespot video, the first I've ever seen, and I don't think I can stomach watching another one ever again Smilie Everything just seemed to 'OH MY GOD, OVER THE TOP!!' Also, NSMB Wii sold 1.39 million in its first month, not the 2 million stated (source), meaning if Nintendo's estimates are indeed spot on, it upped the ante considerably to sell just over 2.6 million in December.

I also think they started talking about games coming out in early 2009 when talking about Bayonetta. Glad to see I'm not the only one still stuck a year behind Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Yatterman No 2 is not a clone, it's "Ai-Chan". She has a completely different move-set and in turn different fighting style.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Will this game have a Wifi connection to it? I really cannot wait, not much longer left! woop!

White Ranger said:
Will this game have a Wifi connection to it? I really cannot wait, not much longer left! woop!

Yeah, it has Nintendo Wifi, I can't wait to get the game either.

Wasn't Yatterman 2 already confirmed? Or was that just a leak?

Anyway, does this game seriously come out the same day as No More Heroes 2? I don't think I'll have time to play both games.

Our member of the week

I didn\'t mean clone as in \"copy pasted moveset\" but rather that it\'s a character that looks a lot like one that we already have, and yet another one from a series that\'s already well represented in the original version of the game. Why not gracing us with character from another tatsunoko series that wasn\'t there yet ?

It\'s like Zero from Megaman. Why yet another Megama character ? Why not one from Resident Evil like in the Marvel vs Capcom series ? Why not one from Devil May Cry ? Why not one from the Breath of Fire series ? No it had to be one from a series that had already one character present before its addition. Hell, like Tekkaman Blade. We had Tekkaman already dammit !

To me there\'s a real lack of inspiration in the choices they made for the new additions, not mentionning the fact that the cast is rather slim to begin with. I\'ll stick to my original japanese copy, there\'s not enough incentive for me to buy the same game twice with just a online mode that i\'ll never try anyway, or a few uninspired character additions.

( Edited 06.01.2010 23:48 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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