Wii Zelda and Vitality Sensor Due 2010

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.01.2010 12

Wii Zelda and Vitality Sensor Due 2010 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Speaking to Asahi Shimbun on Wii, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed a new Zelda and the Vitality Sensor will hit this year.

In an interview with the magazine, he confirmed that a new entry in the Zelda series will make its mark on the Wii this year, as well as plans to bring the Vitality Sensor to retail.

It's uncertain whether Iwata means globally, or referring to Japan only - but at the very least Zelda Wii will arrive at Nintendo's home turf this year.

Iwata also noted how although sales for the Wii were cooling down towards the end of 2009, figures for October were at an all-time high for North America and Japan - mainly due to New! Super Mario Bros. Wii.

Thanks to Siliconera.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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Guest 06.01.2010#1


On Zelda: There might not even be a delay this time. Since there\'s been next to nothing revealed about the game, plus, I assume there\'s probably been about 4 years of development, half the team, or even 3/4 of the team working on it the first year (2006) with the other quarter or half programming the Wii TP, then the other three years the whole team working at full pace.

As for the Vitality Sensor, surely that was expected?

I thought the article title implied Zelda Wii was going to us the Vitality sensor.

( Edited 06.01.2010 09:03 by Stulaw )

I will have no complaints about games on the Wii, this year. We have Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M and now The Legend of Zelda (if it makes it to Europe in 2010).

Then there's the great third-party games coming. It looking like 2010 is going to be the year of the Wii.

OH F*&K YES!! SmilieSmilieSmilie Good work Nintendo! 3 Massive games out this year! Omg omg Can't wait for this this year will be epic! Need Money so bad... Monster Hunter 3, Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Sin and Punishment, Endless Ocean as main titles, surely a great year for the Wii!

Twit (guest) 06.01.2010#5

Sounds like a decent for the Wii yes, but where is the other games like DK, F-Zero, Lylat Wars and games like these? Nintendo make good Mario and Zelda games but there needs to be more than that Smilie

most websites had convinced me that zelda would never see 2010 daylight. Im really excited. yeah its ZELDA but it will be probably the first fully fledged 3D adventure to demonstrate motion plus effectively.

Im only worried about archery mechanics. I still say nooo to any nun chuk use. Ive seen my family members constantly mess up. Plus it changes the dynamics and slows down archery.

According to IGN the Iwata also mentions the DS2, saying that the successor to the DS would need a higher resolution and motion sensing technology.

( Edited 06.01.2010 11:25 by Stulaw )

I really don't think Zelda will make 2010. Remember when people were saying Twilight Princess would be out in 2005? Yeah.

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Toon SuperLink said:
I really don't think Zelda will make 2010. Remember when people were saying Twilight Princess would be out in 2005? Yeah.

To be fair the wii was probably far along and the cube was really dead. So why not 'delay it' and release it on the cube and wii simultaneously. It will sell more and bulk up the wiis line up. But it is a zelda product and the teams do labour over them so it could get delayed. How I see it this game should have been in development from 06 at least so it should be ready this year.

Kotaku and IGN have quoted him to saying that the DS2 will use detailed graphics so the use of tegra 2 might be true. Very good news. It will be the death of smaller team work but we might see other genres thriving a lot better: FPS with touch is amazing! monster hunter MGS GTA might make a better fit.

Equally important is it will use motion sensing incorporated into the hardware.

detailed motion/touch coupled with detailed graphics and more ram has to be the way forward for Nintendo. potential isnt matching devs ideas at times because of limitations.
Asking them to work within these limitations at the same time when the competition is throwing power and polygons at them isnt working. Often they are having to go back and forth with two different mindsets.

Still too early for a new DS for me.
I want 2 more years with this one at least.
I still think if they wait just a bit longer decent HMD\'s should be possible. Look at what Vuzix sales now...I know the virtual boy still hurts, but I think 3d hmd\'s could be slick and cheap in just a few years.

As for Zelda; Still dont care when it comes, just as long as its polished,more unpredictable and with lots of explore and do.

It will be the death of smaller team work

This is why I want online distro to be pushed a lot more. It helps put everyone on a more even level. (as well as meaning little guys dont just get a short \'shelf-space\' sales window).

( Edited 06.01.2010 13:22 by Darkflame )

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It won't make it. We'll see it in 2011. Nintendo always misses the first target they set for their AAA titles.

I think it'll get pushed to Q1 2011 with a simultaneous worldwide release (within a month) with NA and Europe first.

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