Capcom Disappointed with Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Sales

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.01.2010 25

Capcom Disappointed with Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom may likely be ditching mature titles on the Wii after a disappointing debut for its second Wii Resident Evil spin-off.

In its first three weeks in the French market, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles sold a measly 16,000 copies. By comparison Capcom says Resident Evil 4 (Wii) sold 140,000 units back in June 2007.

One feels that there is a problem very clear on this style of game on the Wii, where gamers have obviously moved on. Resident Evil 4 on Wii worked well, but [it was released] when the market had nothing! The customer of [the Wii] has turned into something [of a] much broader audience. It is a disappointment.

Antoine Seux, Director Capcom France

Seux feels that "massive advertising campaigns" sell games like Darkside Chronicles on Nintendo's platform - advertising to sell things? Blimey. Whilst Capcom do appreciate the Wii as a console with a wider audience, for now it looks like "the future is the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360."

The interview follows comments from a SEGA studio director.

Thanks to Spong.

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erv dissapointed with the cheap on rails concept milking a great franchise to death.

Wake me when proper resi is back.


I mean, are they stupid or something? Granted, the Wii doesn't have a large hardcore demographic to sell to, but when you make a lightgun game you limit the scope of the people you're going to reach. Take me for example: I'm not going to buy this. But I did buy RE4 Wii, and I would buy a proper Resident Evil game on the system.

When you're trying to sell to the hardcore audience, do it right. We don't play lightgun games.

EDIT: Je suis d\'accord avec Jacob.

There\'s a reason why Resident Evil 4 sold much better. If Capcom can\'t see why then they deserve limited success.

Resi 4 - A port but still a full 3rd-person survival proper Resi game.

Resi Chronicles - On-Rails rehash of past stories.

I like Umbrella Chronicles and plan on getting Darkside sometime but many people are completely put off due to the on-rails nature of the games. Create a proper Resident Evil for Wii and it will likely sell very well. Same goes for EA and Dead Space.

( Edited 05.01.2010 22:04 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

First it's down to promotion - he said it himself - "massive advertising campaigns". No shit Sherlock! First and foremost - you need to promote it to sell it, simple as.

People who followed the game on the internet or in magazines who want to buy it will have already done so, but without knowing about the game or seeing it in action it's hard to want to buy it, regardless of whether or not you're a "hardcore" gamer.

These publishers assume because it's a mature / well known franchise it'll instantly sell just because its sitting on a shelf.

Promotion aside, it's a lightgun game - that's not a bad thing - but the genre is pretty darn niche.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I think that even capcom should realise that you can't make a cheap buck on the Wii, first party sells well, third party generally doesn't because either the games aren't made well, there's practically no advertisement, or it's increbly niche or even all three sometimes. As the old saying goes, you have to spend money to make money. And advertising costs, and it's well worth it, and they should atleast try it with their Wii games.

I bet MH3 would sell loads if they advertise it like WoW is advertised.

Really annoying.

Why do all the mature games consist of niche titles or on rails. Why didnt capcom follow up RE4 with a proper title.

Why did they decide that onrails was going to sell millions. when was the last onrails game to be released on 360.

It sold shit because consumers arent so obsessed with RE that they buy anything with the name attached to it. I love RE but I didnt go anywhere near either onrail game.

Take a well known franchise release a sequel, dont release a spin off or turn it into onrails crap or fill it with loads of mini games. Thats why RE, Dead space and FF chronicles have all bombed so far. THats why Monster hunter was a success on wii (Its true to the franchise). Why is it so hard to spot this.

The true test will be Red steel. If that doesnt sell I think devs will shelve all mature games. It could be the saviour (if it gets good reviews.)

Its stylish in an inoffensive way ala Madworld. Its conventional gaming: shooting, sword fighting, It doesnt appear to be mini game mad ala FFCC, It doesnt look dull in art design ala conduit. It isnt waggle ala nearly every game to include combat on wii. Importantly, it isnt onrail.

( Edited 05.01.2010 22:52 by meeto_0 )

Same reason Dead Space Extraction flopped Jacob, same reason.


You almost have to feel that these devs have already arrived at a decision and are trying to find ways to justify that decision.

I really believe that Capcom could have made Darkside Chronicles a RE4 type game, using the RE4 engine, and it would have sold great (with some advertising, of course). But, I believe that most people that want an on-rails experience got their fix with Umbrella Chronicles.

I loved RE: UC, and I intend to buy RE: DC, but I am in the minority on this. Too bad about this quote. Literally yesterday, I was thinking about how happy I was that Capcom were not moaning about the mature audience on the Wii.

( Edited 05.01.2010 23:53 by samus_boy )

It's a lose, lose situation. It makes me sooo angry grrr.

If we buy it in our masses then they say how great it is and produce more of the same, second rate, on-rails shooters. If we don't buy it they say there is no market for it.

I'm sure if Nintendo had got Resi 5, or a direct sequel to Resi 4 it would have sold massively.

It's cause Lightgun games ALWAYS SOLD MASSIVELY right?? I mean, lightgun games are niche as niche can get and he complains it didn't sell 1m copies as the 1st did? Granted, it looks very nice but come on, make a real Resi game and people will buy it.

A friend of mine got a Wii for Chrissie from his gf, he loves the games he has tried on it, even though he was always a Sony/Sega person. He was interested in Resident Evil DC, but I told him what it was and he imediately said: "wow, what a waste." But he tried RE4 and loved it. Why? his quote: "because it's a proper Resident evil game, I don't wanna just shoot stuff, I like to walk around and do it myself". So Capcom is gonna have a cry cause it sold poorly? Did RE Survivor sell well or any of those Spinoffs? GG mate.

Perhaps it's also timing. The sort of person who might be attracted to The Darkside Chronicles is also probably the sort of person who also has a PS3 and/or 360. Modern Warfare 2. 'Nuff said.

Twit (guest) 06.01.2010#13

Darkside is a good game but the pace is slow and I found it boring! It does look nice.

What might be true out of his entire comment is that the audience might have moved on. Where people bought wiis in 06 ready for a different experience got zelda mario RE4 first year and a half, role on 09 and the games seemed more directed towards casual game types. Even nintendos focus turned to games that arent based around a solo experience that needs a lot of hours investment.

Granted the games players want take longer to roll out but buy smaller devs get them to not put out epics but atleast focus on more conventional games types. Otherwise some of the audience with less patience will sell up and invest in other consoles or just use the money to buy more games on PS3/360.

Hope sales pick up. I think Darkside Chronicles is a brilliant game, and I also play the 'normal' RE games. Even my mates love it and 2 of them have a PS3. For all the effort they have put into it, it would be a damn shame for the Wii as a whole if it flops long term.

meeto_0 said:
What might be true out of his entire comment is that the audience might have moved on. Where people bought wiis in 06 ready for a different experience got zelda mario RE4 first year and a half

GameCube games, bruv.

Martin_ said:
meeto_0 said:
What might be true out of his entire comment is that the audience might have moved on. Where people bought wiis in 06 ready for a different experience got zelda mario RE4 first year and a half

GameCube games, bruv.

Init blad.

( Edited 06.01.2010 14:55 by Stulaw )

You got a problem, ese?

Fran (guest) 06.01.2010#19

Instead of focussing on a light gun game, why not remake Resident Evil 2 and/or 3 in the same style as the first remake? It was meant to happen on the GC apparently, before being cancelled. It has the potential to be amazing - just look at the first remake. And I'm sure it would sell well

Ok, now it makes sense. Having Darkside Chronicles sell 16,000 copies in Europe was weird, but if it's only for France then the number ain't that bad. The game has sold 250,000 so far worldwide so it should get to at least 750,000 between now and June 2010 and thus post a profit for Capcom.

They should just remake RE 2 either as the RE version on Gamecube or with a tweaked RE4 engine and if THAT doesn't sell THEN they can complain...

I loved DC and I like lightgun games in general but seriously, Capcom & EA should know better. Lightgun games are for Wiiware and other DL services now. Real experiences are what demand and obtain consumers' 50+ quid these days.

Played it though, really enjoyed it but it lacked the horror impact of a REAL resident evil game. very bitter sweet, great revisiting the original places from the originals all nice and shiney and wasnt just the same thing again with the different game style, but because of that rails style, it lost a whole lot of the actualy feeling of distress, having it first person should of made you feel more in the game, but because of the iratic camera thats like having an annoying little brother bashing and shaking your head from behind and complete lack of will, it was just "point at that and shoot" over and over. Rail shooters are, ok, but not for deep story driven games, specially ones that run on puzzles, having to take that part out completely. I have little desire to replay it too and get items or points, played it once, happy i can say i have, thats about it. :/ Capcom have given nothing but remakes, re-releases and recycled engins to the Wii and their obviously going to give up on "mature" games for it now. Its been said, RE4 was only successful because its a real RE game (apparently i hear, i wasnt to sure) and it wasnt too old to its previous GC/PS2 release.

We need a "traditional" RE game, or if your going to re-release something, release "Resident Evil Archives: Outbreak files 1&2" with wifi.

Quality of Darkside Chronicles aside (I doubt the game would fare any better on the 360 or PS3), I do think that it is much harder to push ANY game that isn\'t: a) a Nintendo Franchise or b) a \"casual\" game in the sense that it is not really a traditional game or c) a big established franchise. For point c, I\'m talking about Guitar Hero games and Resident Evil 4 and such.

It\'s harder to push a new \"traditional\" IP (like Demon Souls or Bayonetta) on the Wii because the audience does not care about these games. Having market appeal is the most important factor, above critical reception and even advertising. Advertising won\'t sell a game if the audience doesn\'t want to play it. It\'s like advertising McDonalds at a PETA convention.

But it makes me fear what will happen to Tatsunoko vs Capcom since I can\'t see anyone buying this game. It doesn\'t appeal to most people (they wouldn\'t know any of the fighters) and there are very few tradition fighter fans on the console. MH3 may or may not do well, but I think they can market it easily since the concept is pretty cool and the graphics are good. NMH2 should do a little better than the original since by now it is fairly established.

( Edited 07.01.2010 01:53 by PMD )

I think there are a handful of wii fighters actually, but besides Brawl i dont think hardly any have online play so Tatsunoko vs Capcom has an added chanse of selling on those grounds, plus previous Capcom VS -- always rock.

Mark (guest) 10.01.2010#25

Are those numbers in France only?

Looking at VGChartz, the numbers worldwide are much greater ... almost 300,000 units.®ion=All

I think a lot of people are making assumptions about how big or small the Wii's 'hardcore demographic' is without actually knowing Nintendo's segmentation split.

While it's easy to say, "I know three people who have a Wii and only play Wii sports", that is not statistically significant. Also, there are hardcore games that move decent numbers. Deadspace tanked but Call Of Duty World At War moved a million and a half copies so there's some interest.

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