Atlus Reveals Trauma Team Wii Video

By Adam Riley 06.01.2010 1

Atlus Reveals Trauma Team Wii Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Atlus U.S.A. today released a new video focusing on the Surgery portion of the upcoming medical entertainment experience Trauma Team, set to release for Wii on 20th April, 2010 in the US. The video offers fans their first glimpse at gameplay footage from the upcoming game, presenting a wide variety of situations and operations specific to CR-S01, the lead character of the game's Surgery campaign. One of six different core gameplay types in Trauma Team, the Surgery mode of the game will be the most familiar to veterans of the Trauma Center franchise, yet still offers visual and design improvements over previous games.

"Really, cutting people open has never looked so good," began Aram Jabbari, Manager of Public Relations and Sales at Atlus, before being tackled and carried away by authorities.

Bigger and more exciting than ever before, Trauma Team is the ultimate medical drama. Encounter unprecedented depth across six distinct fields of medicine: play as a general surgeon, diagnostician, E.M.T., orthopedic surgeon, endoscopic technician, and forensic examiner. Follow the drama as never before with all-new dynamic story sequences inspired by Japanese animation and comics; each chapter comes vividly to life with a style seen nowhere else. Hand-drawn art, innovative animation, and quality voice acting perfectly capture the raw intensity, excitement, and danger of every heart-pounding moment. Atlus USA has promised to release several more videos featuring Trauma Team's other five core gameplay modes: Endoscopy, Forensics, First Response, Diagnosis, and Orthopedics.

Trauma Team is currently scheduled for release on 20th April, 2010 for US$49.99.

Box art for Trauma Team








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Looks really good. Picked up new blood on boxing day for 6pounds at game. The core game is great fun but the story is absolute drivle. Its painful that you cant just skip to the operation. Moving animation better voice acting that doesnt sound staged and a remotely interesting script are needed. Better music during cut scenes needed as well. I really liked the operations though. Medium is a bit difficult at times and god knows how you great graded above a C.

Good choice to keep analogue layout for surgeons identical. I will be prepared to pay full retail price if they sort out a few aspects in this new game (mostly the option to cancel all dialogue and go straight to the operation fro the beginning). Heres hoping

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