Rumour: NBA Jam Heading to Wii?

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.01.2010 4

Rumour: NBA Jam Heading to Wii? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sources close to EA Sports have said the publisher has acquired the rights to develop an updated version of NBA Jam for Wii.

According to ESPN, the much loved two-on-two basketball game will be remade for the Wii with original creator Mark Turmell set to work on various sports titles, with other veterans also being hired to add some authenticity into the remakes.

The original arcade classic was developed by Midway back in 1993, holding the current record for most money earned at a single location in a week.

EA Sports has not yet announced anything officially, but prospects for a new NBA Jam do sound good.

Update IGN say that EA have told them an official announcement is taking place on January 11.

Are you a fan of NBA Jam? Would you be interested in a new version?

Box art for NBA Jam








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NBA Jam TE Wii! Smilie

He's on fire! It was fun on SNES at the time. Don't know if I'd buy a new one on Wii, definitely not at full price.

Personally I would love them to bring the classic one back for megadrive on VC, that would be brilliant.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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I used to play this ALOT when i was a kid, but i doubt they would be able to recapture the magic.

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