Monster Hunter 3 US Site Up

By 04.01.2010 5

Monster Hunter 3 US Site Up on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom has got the Monster Hunter 3 US website up and running, but it seems like they are not letting us into the main section, with attempts to enter resulting in some funny results.

The Monster Hunter 3 website brings you to a door with a knocker, that you can knock as many times as you want, but merely results in someone inside saying many phrases, mainly pointing out that "the Monster Hunter Lodge isn't open yet." Features of the site include information on Monsters, Weapons and News, as well as Videos and Screenshots, but that main lodge remains elusive for now.

Image for Monster Hunter 3 US Site Up

Door on Website

Trying out the site numerous times leads to some quite amusing responses from the actor, such as "How come every time I try to bake a cake, I get disturbed" and others along those lines, including a verbal warning that should you keep trying, he will eventually start to repeat phrases. Kudos to Capcom, though, as this does not happen for quite a while.

A little pull down hook, on the left side of the website, reveals that the site may fully open on the 19th February, 2010.

What are your thoughts on this type of teaser site? Are you looking forward to the game, especially given the talk of online being free in the West?

Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (26 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Right, so... any thoughts?

I'll probably get this unless it gets horrible reviews. I'm not sure whether I need to play this online to get the most out of it, though.

Our member of the week

Well if online isn't free i won't get it.

The teaser site idea is genius though ^^.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Dirty Dennis (guest) 04.01.2010#4

Should be a pretty big release and hopefully Capcom/Nintendo will pimp it out!!! SmilieSmilie

I've been waiting for this game for ages, if I have to pay for internet I'll get like a months subscription or something like that then just play it by myself.

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