Nintendo DSi-Enhanced Korean Drama

By Adam Riley 02.01.2010 1

Nintendo DSi-Enhanced Korean Drama on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

D3 Publisher has brought a Korean drama to DS, with DSi enhancements included. The Nintendo DS has become home to some very non-traditional gaming experiences, but now the Japanese publishing outfit has just released a portable game based on popular Korean TV drama show, Winter Sonata. The snappily titled Winter Sonata DS comes with a story mode where players can work through whilst checking out images from the programme. There is also a mini mode that is a Hangul training game (Hangul being the Korean language for those unaware) with trivia questions. Fans will also be able to data Joon Sang, the main character. As for the DSi-enchanced features, this is for playing around with photo frames and stamps.

Would you like to play something similar based on shows such as Days of Our Lives or Eastenders?

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Would you like to play something similar based on shows such as Days of Our Lives or Eastenders?

Yeah, NO!

This is a neat idea, and I'm sure it'll do real well, especially in Japan, but it wouldn't fair too well elsewhere. I know they're out there, but I don't know of too many middle-aged housewives that have DSs.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

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