Rumoured Super Mario Galaxy 2 Euro Release Date

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.01.2010 8

Rumoured Super Mario Galaxy 2 Euro Release Date on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's the dawn of the New Year, and French retailers have started to pencil in a handful of dates for Nintendo-published titles this year.

According to a new report that has been discovered, Super Mario Galaxy 2 has a tentative release date of August 27th 2010 - a lot earlier than many expected given the recent release of New Super Mario Bros., a Valentine's dive for underwater exploration fans with Endless Ocean 2 slotted in for 5th February, and finally there's Sin & Punishment 2: Successor to the Earth said to be arriving this April.

None of the dates have been confirmed by Nintendo themselves, so take the above with a pinch of salt!

What do you think of the rumoured release schedule? Feasible or should Galaxy 2 come a lot sooner?

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EDIT: Nice fix there, jb. Smilie

( Edited 02.01.2010 02:38 by Keven )

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I think it's well spread out, I want Sin and Punishment to do well and get attention which Mario Galaxy would possible overshadow. I mean we got Endless Ocean in Feb, S&P in April, Mario Galaxy in Sept, and Metroid most likely in November or Dec and hopefully people will buy it over the Christmas Season.

Maybe Pikmin in July? that would be nice, make sure they advertise this for the casuals too, cause it would prob appeal to them as well as the hardcore. This Franchise needs to sell well and get known.

Wii-gamer-FTW! (guest) 02.01.2010#3

Smilie woo! best game ever Cant wait =D to excitededSmilie

Too staggered I think - Mario really should come out in the first half of the year at the very least - it's been over 2 years since the first Galaxy, and hopefully a new Zelda this year.

We really need more of Nintendo's own content - granted it does take a long time to make Marios, Zeldas and the like but there really needs to be more to fill the wait.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Around E3 Nintendo seemed pretty sure that Mario Galaxy would be the first "big title" to be completed. I expect it around the first half of the year really.

Also I really don't think Pikmin will be ready for 2010.

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madstarr (guest) 03.01.2010#6

Well, Nintendo has mentioned a release date early 2010 for the US but not Europe. So it could be true.

lolguy (guest) 11.01.2010#7

cant it be elere? like march or sumething?

With Nintendo's reputation of delaying Mario and Zelda games and the fact that it's such a big game, it will probably end up being the big game of the year (November 2010). They still have to show a playable demo at E3 2010 and then advertise the game before they release it. Though they may be finished with the game, they're not going to release it just like that. According to Wikipedia, Metroid: Other M is scheduled for a Summer (Q3) 2010 release so I doubt Nintendo would release Super Mario Galaxy 2 around that time. If it's supposed to come out in Spring (Q2) 2010, Nintendo would've announced it already and there would have been more trailers and advertisements for that game. We all know it's not releasing in Winter (Q1) 2010. Why? Becuase either it would've been out already or we would already know the release date. The new Zelda game will probably get bumped to 2011 because there's not even a name for it yet.

This leaves only one possible time frame: Fall (Q4) 2010, no sooner and no later.

( Edited 04.02.2010 18:13 by GameGuy100 )

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