Eiji Aonuma Wanted More Crossbow Training

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.12.2009 7

Eiji Aonuma Wanted More Crossbow Training on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma recently revealed that he wanted to create a sequel to the short but addictive Zelda shooter, Crossbow Training.

Whilst pondering how to take the series forward on the Wii and DS, Aonuma expressed a desire to expand the Crossbow idea in a sequel - expanding on multiplayer and even tagging on support for Wi-Fi.

"To tell you the truth, I actually wanted to create Link’s Crossbow Training 2. I thought that we should do something more and better in the field of the first person shooter, based on our experience of the first game. For example, I was thinking that maybe we could intensify the multiplayer mode. The original game was really just a solo game but I thought that we could add a true multiplayer mode with multiple users playing together, from remote areas, over the Wi-Fi Connection. I thought that we could add a true multiplayer mode. The fact of the matter is that a lot of people inside Nintendo insisted that I should work on a new Legend Of Zelda title rather than working on more Crossbow Training.

Legend of Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma

That said there's no harm in throwing in a Crossbow Training-inspired mode in the next console Zelda...

Thanks to GoNintendo.

[b]What do you think of Link's Crossbow Training - did you enjoy the game? Would you like to see more of the same in its own sequel or included in a future Zelda game?

Box art for Link's Crossbow Training








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Honestly, I really did enjoy Crossbow training like a mini-game. I\'d like to see it added on to the next Wii Zelda in a multiplayer mode for sure. I\'d even go into saying that it would be nice to fill up a few small parts in the next game, perhaps even a boss battle or two?

NOTE: I\'m not saying to have it hog 90% of the gameplay, but just a part, at least.

( Edited 25.12.2009 03:06 by PK- The Mongoose Hermit )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I agree with PK pretty cool mini game, if this could become a in game mini game it would be very awesome!

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Eiji Aonuma Wanted More Crossbow Training


I thought that we could add a true multiplayer mode with multiple users playing together, from remote areas, over the Wi-Fi Connection. I thought that we could add a true multiplayer mode.

Come on ! REALLY ! Zelda becoming a Quake-like ? What\'s becoming of Nintendo lately ? Just give us great incarnations of your classic series. Where\'s Starfox ? Where\'s F-Zero ? Where\'s the next Pilotwings we were promsied during the Gamecube years ? No, it has to be Crossbow Training 2. A mini-game sold as a full retail title. Darn...

he fact of the matter is that a lot of people inside Nintendo insisted that I should work on a new Legend Of Zelda title rather than working on more Crossbow Training.

And they were right to do so.

PK- The Mongoose Hermit said:
Honestly, I really did enjoy Crossbow training like a mini-game. I\'d like to see it added on to the next Wii Zelda in a multiplayer mode for sure. I\'d even go into saying that it would be nice to fill up a few small parts in the next game, perhaps even a boss battle or two?

NOTE: I\'m not saying to have it hog 90% of the gameplay, but just a part, at least.

Agreed. It could be like a small part of the main story, and be used as a multiplayer mode outside the main game like they did with both DS games. If he REALLY wants to do more crossbow training, then that\'s the only way i\'m gonna buy it.

( Edited 25.12.2009 10:27 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Maybe... I mean Link's Crossbow Training: The Hylian Chronicles might be a laugh.

My respect for Aonuma just dropped a notch.

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I bought it cause it was cheap and found it enjoyable, however it got boring extremely fast as expected. As a mini game I reckon it'd be quite cool.

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In the new Zelda Wii, the crossbow could be a new Zelda weapon entirely. It could have it's own advantages and disadvantages compared to the regular Hero's Bow and have its own "Shooting Range" as a minigame.

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