New Dragon Quest VI Trailer & Screens

By Adam Riley 25.12.2009 4

New Dragon Quest VI Trailer & Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has released a new trailer and screens of Dragon Quest VI for DS. The first ever remake of the sixth entry into the multi-million selling Dragon Quest role-playing series, Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Reverie (which originally appeared on the Super Famicom/SNES in Japan only), is due for release in Japan on 28th January, 2010 and after the massive success of Dragon Quest IX lately, with around 4.1 million sales so far, hopes are high that this remake can surpass the ~1.2 million sales of both the Dragon Quest IV and V DS remakes.

Be sure to check out the Jump Festa 2010 trailer below, as well as the batch of new screens in the media folder, courtesy of

Is Dragon Quest VI higher on your radar than Dragon Quest IX, and have readers finished DQIV and V yet?

Box art for Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Reverie

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Q1 2011   

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THe only DQ game I've got is the 8th one for PS2. Cursed King or something. I've not completed it but got bored of level grinding. I would get the DS games were they any different but they all seem to be very generic. ALso, I'm not a fan of the Dragon Ball look by the designer guy. They need to try something different.

I think the Dragonball style is unique among a sea of RPGs that look like Final Fantasy or Tales of... knockoffs. I think the art style is a characteristic of Dragon Quest- to change it would change the series so much, you would have to call it something else.

MC (guest) 25.12.2009#3

The Dragon Quest series are pretty much known for their traditional styles...lots of random battles, generic-looking, etc. Still, many people (i.e. 4 million Japanese) love the simple presentation and charming storyline of the series. The DS games are much better in terms of level grinding due to the very simple fact: They have the fastest battle system among any RPGs released on that platform. The DQ series usually have fast battle systems, but DQ8 really slowed everything down. You definitely need to play DQ5, as it is the highlight of the series. The series is more popular than FF in Japan for a reason.Smilie

I've added a whole new batch of screenshots to the media folder, by the way - just released by Square Enix today via Famitsu Smilie


Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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