Last Window: Midnight Promise Trailers

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.12.2009 9

Last Window: Midnight Promise Trailers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A pair of trailers for Hotel Dusk sequel, Last Window, were released on the game's official Japanese website earlier this week.

Telling the tale of protagonist Kyle Hyde, Lost Window uncovers the mysteries surrounding his apartment block, Cape West - after recently being fired from his job and on the brink of being evicted. Developer CiNG is back in the driving seat, using a similar hand-drawn sketch style and point-and-touch adventure mechanics.

Thanks to NintenDaan.

Box art for Last Window: The Secret of Cape West








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Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I was a big fan of Hotel Dusk. I loved the game style and the game itself was great to play - well paced and with a great story so I am SO looking forward to this sequel.

It was good to see the wrong answers to questions resulting in the Game Over making a return (like the Hotel Owner in the original) as well as a similar music style. Well cool ! The graphics appear to have had quite a major overhaul as well - lot more detail and effects in the background.

Excellent stuff !


There are 10 types of people in the world: Those that understand binary and those that don't ..

This looks absolutely stunning!

I would *not* be surprised if this started as a Wii project and was brought back to DS after the awful Japanese sales of Another Code R on Wii.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Love Hotel Dusk and can't wait for the sequel - does look like they've pumped up the presentation a fair bit!

Do wish that some of the old characters would make some sort of appearance - they'll be mentioned but apparently won't make their way into the game itself.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Would anyone reccommend the 1st game? Is it like Phoenix Wright? I've not seen much of it but it seems to be popular.

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
Would anyone reccommend the 1st game? Is it like Phoenix Wright? I've not seen much of it but it seems to be popular.

Tis very text-driven, but the story is excellent - really gets you wanting to play more and more, definitely worth it!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
whatzit to ya (guest) 22.02.2010#6

I can not wait until it comes out in North America. I e-mailed Cing and asked when it will, yet, no reply.Smilie

AK (guest) 17.03.2010#7

Oh my stars I cannot wait for this to be released in the UK, please tell me that is soon?!

AK (guest) said:
Oh my stars I cannot wait for this to be released in the UK, please tell me that is soon?!

Not sure - The developer Cing went bankrupt earlier this month, but Nintendo have registered the trademark in Europe so who knows - it could be localised without Cing I guess :/

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Panda (guest) 04.05.2010#9

Smilie I love hotel dusk, it is one of my favourite games right up there with Phoenix Wright and Pokemon Smilie
When is an english version going to be released?

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