Tales of Graces Intro Animation

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.12.2009 2

Tales of Graces Intro Animation on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The beautifully animated intro sequence from Namco Bandai's Tales of Graces (Wii) has emerged.

Graces is the 12th mothership/mainline Tales game from the renowned studio, a Wii exclusive that takes you on a journey as a lad known as Asbel. Happy and carefree he's thrown into chaos when some super-duper unknown event occurs and slightly wound-up he enlists to become a knight in the capital's Academy.

Throw in a lady picking flowers and a dollop of pink petals, sword wielding and a tall chap starting aimlessly at a tree and we've got ourselves two minutes of pure Mutsumi Inomata in motion.

Box art for Tales of Graces

Namco Tales


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  5/10 (1 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I hope the Western release gets another orchestral Motoi Sakuraba opening, as opposed to this painfully generic J-pop.

( Edited 19.12.2009 18:27 by gatotsu911 )

Guest 19.12.2009#2

I guess the lyrics must be highly original, otherwise it's a totally pointless song. It's been done to death so many times, the only new thing about it for me was that the vocals were in Japanese.

She even sings the same as every we-need-a-new-face-for make-cd-tv-program-contestant for gods sake.

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