Prince of Persia Returns to Wii/DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.12.2009 10

Prince of Persia Returns to Wii/DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft has confirmed a release for the next chapter in the Prince of Persia series – The Forgotten Sands for all current-gen platforms.

Enjoyed the time-manipulator's debut 3D adventure The Sands of Time? Forgotten Sands carries on from the 2003 game, bridging some of the gaps between Warrior Within with all new characters and abilities. We once again take one the role of the Prince as he finds the royal palace under threat from some crazy-arse army wanting to destroy his beautiful kingdom. So he nips out for a new adventure to use the power of the sand to save the land!

Whilst all editions will revolve around a similar storyline, the Wii, DSi/DS and PSP editions will feature different and platform-specific gameplay over the Xbox 360/PS3 edition. With the mention of the DSi-specific edition can we expect camera-based platforming antics?

Box art for Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Ubisoft Montreal







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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Sorry but. OMG!! Can\'t wait, PC and Wii version here I come if they are really that different!
Good news, and i\'m glad that it\'s not a movie tie in either (though it kind of is, but not to the same extent)
But why does it make it sound like the wii/DS/PSP versions will be worse some how? The fact that it\'s not the same as the Xbox/PS3 version....

( Edited 15.12.2009 02:44 by AfroXmas221 )

Our member of the week

As long as it has more platforming than fighting (i hated all the episodes that came after sands of time) then i'm sold for the Wii version.

Gimme back my platform game !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Two Thrones was wonderfull.
If they can have at least as good as that, and not Warrior Within, I'm sold.

Bring back the voicover, the fun scripting and the greatstorying and yay! <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Two Thrones was wonderfull.
If they can have at least as good as that, and not Warrior Within, I'm sold.

Bring back the voicover, the fun scripting and the greatstorying and yay!

Agreed, They returned more to form with Two thrones, WW was just a hack fest. Though SoT is always going to be the best.

I like the art for this game. Oddly, even though it is a popular series, I have never played a Prince of Persia game, although I did buy Sands of Time just a couple of weeks ago.

They've confirmed that the Voice Actor from Sands of Time is returning which is great. Smilie

I'm happy to see a SoT style PoP game again but I do hope they don't forget about last years PoP for PS3/360. At least give it one sequel to finish off the story after leaving it unfinished.

-_- any one say movie Tie-in?

Jump_button said:
-_- any one say movie Tie-in?

It's obviously been designed for a release around the movie. However, Ubi say it's been in development for about 18 months. Add the remaining 6 months till release and that's 2 years in development. Plenty of time to make a great game so I don't think it's anything to worry about.

Nice - good to hear they're releasing it on Wii/DS with the other versions.

It does sound like it would be worse, who knows - it will be different however...!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Actually, I really liked the presentation, atmosphere, style in warrior within. Killer quality soundtrack too, and really satisfying finishers.

Yet sands of time had the most ooze and felt more solid. Combine tge oose with the best combat system with cinematic angles and a huuuuuuge amount of spectacular platforming and you've got the best prince game I guess.

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