Cammie Dunaway Frustrated With Chinatown Wars Sales

By 10.12.2009 11

Cammie Dunaway Frustrated With Chinatown Wars Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Since its release 8 months back, you might have expected a Grand Theft Auto game to sell well on any console, considering its large sales of the previous games. Unfortunately, this isn't the case with Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. According Nintendo representative, Cammie Dunaway, the game hasn't sold as well as she'd hoped it too.

Speaking to MTV Multiplayer, she confessed her frustration in sales of the game and believed the lacklustre sales was down to lack of long-term marketing support.

It's frustrating, quite frankly. Certainly there have been mature titles - Resident Evil, the first Call of Duty - that have sold over a million units and with something like GTA, there's great content there. We do think it'll have a long tail and we've seen that with a lot of titles across all genres on the DS platform that consumers continue to discover them. par. But part of what's needed is you have to continue to put marketing support behind these titles. It's one of the things we've learned over the past few years. The old dynamic of throw it on TV for a few weeks and forget it isn't going to work, because new consumers are coming in all the time.

Box art for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

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Meanwhile at Rockstar...

"All sales are going into the slightly superior PSP version now, just as planned..."

And then everyone died.
Fucking Cockstar.

( Edited 26.01.2013 14:57 by Guest )

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Well, to be fair, they gave it a good few months.
It wasnt like Re4 on the cube where it was announced the day before release it would also be on ps2.

( Edited 26.01.2013 14:57 by Guest ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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i dont think Rockstar are at fault the first few weeks of ads didnt even shift many copies in the first month. Is it supposed to keep injecting large sums of cash for little return every month.
Had it shifted something like 500k in the US I could understand her thinking. But it shifted under 100k didnt it?
That advertising strategy works for certain titles. I dont know how many new adopters are 25yr old men looking for some violence on the DS.

( Edited 26.01.2013 14:57 by Guest )

The main reason for the flop has got to be because of the graphics. A lot of GTA's audience are only interested in big 3D GTA games. They took one look at Chinatown Wars and dismissed it completely.

I'm guessing that the PSP version will also do poorly. Many will see the game as a complete downgrade next the the 2 other PSP GTA games.

I got the DS game day 1 and have enjoyed it much more than GTA4. Maybe not so much as San Andreas but it's still great. I'm just getting sick of Liberty City though.

( Edited 26.01.2013 14:57 by Guest )

Guest 10.12.2009#5

Obviously due to piracy. Damn you France!

I'm sure in the US, the first week of sales for Chinatown wars was 10,000 units, so it might just be that it's not full 3D.

I've looked around quite alot to get myself the game for the DS and the only place I found it was Tesco for £20, but I've asked for it for christmas so I'll just wait untill then.

700k+ plus in sales isn't really BAD. They do have to consider that some of us aren't interested at all in the GTA franchise (haven't tried GTA IV, but all the others bored me) so maybe that's why.

It will end up selling over 1,000,000 with the end of the year push. Let's see how good the PSP version sells...

To a lot of people China Town Wars will look like a backwards step. I don't think it will do as well as expected on the PSP either.

erv is frustrated by headlines featuring wiggle-on-a-wii dunnaway.

Oh wait.

I don't think the PSP version is doing any better.

Its because its overhead -- the audience that plays GTA would likely be put off by such a thing.

LOL and it did worse on the PSP. I don't think many are fans of the top down version of GTA.

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