SuperLink said:
You were making a point that "and as long as it isn't any worse than TP, hardly anyone will care.", but there has been a game worse than TP since TP's release... and no many people seemed to care about it.
Oh right, I get you. My overall point was that business-wise, they can churn out anything and as long as it says 'Zelda' on it, it'll be a smash hit. Guaranteed sales. Make sense?
SuperLink said:No, of course it wouldn't, but I don't really see free roam working in a game like Zelda when you can go to the final areas and get your ass handed to you. Also I DO like getting new items that let you get to loads of new places.
· If you get your ass handed to you, you just respawn at the nearest place (usually the entrance to that particular dungeon), don't you? Not really a problem.
· Why are 'new items' something that only a linear game provides? 
SuperLink said:
I thought you said you didn't bother much with the 2D games? That's a large chuck of your Zelda story knowledge missing already. 
Zelda storyline = Zelda is taken by Ganon, Link must reassemble all eight parts of the Triforce of Wisdom in order to save Zelda from the evil clutches of Ganon.
Zelda II storyline = Link must wake sleeping Zelda. He does this by placing crystals in six dungeons, then retrieves the Triforce of Courage from the last dungeon. When all three Triforce pieces are together again, this awakens Princess Zelda.
Zelda: ALTTP storyline = Zelda is locked in Hyrule Castle dungeon as the wizard Agahnim takes control of Hyrule. Link saves Zelda from the castle dungeon, and takes her to a santuary. The man there tells you about how Agahnim intends to free Ganon. Link needs to get the Master Sword to beat him. First though, Link needs collect three magic coins (or whatever they are) in order to wield the magic sword. Zelda is taken again, Link rescues some more bitches, kills Agahnim, and then has to kill Ganon.
I said OoT was the first I played, not that I never played the previous ones. I actually own the original ALTTP cartridge on SNES - do you?
SuperLink said:
I didn't say it was particularly good (completely ignoring the timeline stuff, since that's "optional" and a deep timeline cannot be used as an excuse for individually poor stories) I said it was average, with a couple of games really standing out; for example Majora's Mask and Wind Waker.Twilight Princess plotwise was standard fare too, but with a whole lot of interesting backstory that never really leads anywhere.
Well, fair enough. I thought for an adventure game, it lacked both in the sense of adventure and storyline. It's just too small (many games have individual levels that are as big as the entire world in Zelda), and the storyline is like something off the back of a cereal box. Really crap, in my opinion.
If they want my moneyz, they will have to actually earn it. If they want yours, they already know that you're going to give it to them. So they needn't do anything. Just make sure it isn't a total let-down, and people like you will definitely buy it in their millions.