Viewtiful Joe Creator Wants Sequel

By Adam Riley 08.12.2009 4

Viewtiful Joe Creator Wants Sequel on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Hideki Kamiya, creator of Viewtiful Joe whilst at Capcom, has stated his desire to do a new sequel. Kamiya-san was part of Capcom's Clover Studio, but now resides at independent team Platinum Games following the old studio's closure. Speaking in a recent interview, he expressed his desire to see a brand new Viewtiful Joe game be made. So far the character has starred in two main games for the GameCube and PS2, as well as a DS entry and GameCube spin-off fighter. VJ also makes an appearance in the upcoming Tatsunoko vs. Capcom fighter on Wii.

"I don't have the rights to any of the IPs that I've made. They belong to the companies that publish them, and they're a business so they have a right to exploit those IPs as they want. [ With Capcom making an Okami title for DS ] Viewtiful Joe is probably all I've got left. That story is incomplete so I'd like to finish it someday. But that would probably be the most difficult one to do.

"[ With regards to Okami ] ...once someone else touches a world that you yourself created it stops being yours. There is no point in making a sequel when the world doesn't belong to you."

Would you like to see Viewtiful Joe return with the original team behind the project?

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His thoughts regarding Okami are quite upsetting really... I wonder if he was happy or sad that Capcom decided to continue it? I doubt there was any way he could have made it himself...

Same goes for Viewtiful Joe. VJ2 was left on a cliffhanger, but I wonder if Capcom knows what Kamiya actually had planned for VJ3.

It's sad to know that it may never happen in the way he envisioned it.

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I agree, it's sad that you can create a franchise and not have any control over it because of the publisher.

Add to the title:

Viewtiful joe player wants sequel!

But make it more like part 1, without the overly complex switching and stuff, and more a go with the flow extreme action game Smilie

And he shouldn't really feel like not doing an okami again. He's the master. He can control it anyways Smilie Publishers will want to license the new okami for the plain and simple reason it'd be the only true okami out there Smilie

I had hopes that after Okami was announced to have a sequel that we'd hopefully see a new Viewtiful Joe game in the works. Keeping those fingers crossed ever so tightly now.

In regards to Hideki Kamiya, me being an artist myself, I completely understand how he feels and have once had a project that I began taken away from me in the middle of it's production and someone else made it into something different than what it was meant to be. I hope he gets to make the next VJ game if Capcom choices to make one.

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